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Do you have any problems navigating in our site? This page you can find tips and tutorials on how to use site browsing and other answers to common questions. This small item will provide some site usability guidelines or support for customers to go to when they have questions or problems. HelpSite Support is a simple service to help you with an enhanced support center. In this case at least explains some important things when difficulty in browsing and using the our site.
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HelpSite section, please choose the details below. Where do you trouble for browsing? And then the drop-down menu will display some basic explanations.
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Question and Answer
• What's a Tabs Links?
Tabs Links are a kind of tap button to scroll to the address or area to which they belong. Tabs Links will be heading to an area of rolling and respond in the target area, also customize what you use on Tabs Links created by the Template Designer. The anchor text points to the intended link, and will provide special facilities for other areas of the page.
These Tabs Links usually use the link and doesn't refer to links to servers for page requests. This function is the same as the "Back to Top" menu or CSS style to scroll the page.
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• How to Exploring the Post Reference?
This section is the part where the authors provide information of their articles or journals. How interesting their article? you can see the Author Pages. You can see the page title, date of update, and Post-snippet in Exploring the Post Reference.
This page can be found on the main page "Home Menu" on the "Exploring the Post Reference", and then directed to the topic and their articles. You can also use the "Exploring the Post Reference" - on the menu "Previous Post" and "Next Post" at the end of the article section.
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• How do I get information quickly on the site?
The contents of the topic and read a long article will probably be difficult to predict from the main goal for your information, because a lot of articles that will be discussed.
You can choose a variety of tour articles on this site. You can choose two options are a short tour article in the pack in the "Basic Information of Tourism" and articles long tour in the form of "Exploring the Post Reference". You can visit a short tour of this article in the pack in the "Basic Information of Tourism: Gate charm of Tourism Yogyakarta - Places of interest".
The final section, expand Basic Information Tourism, on this section will also provide recommendations on your interest in the traveling. You can also find with the label "Basic Information Tourism" to explore our short tour.
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• How do I view the tables on the small screen?
Tables are the difficult HTML to set position for small screen reviews. The reader can highlight these structures for visual presentation of group columns, for example: move the right or left in the table. This notice can be found at the top of the table. You can see this code "Data Tabel ". This tool is useful for your notifications when using a small screen.
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• How do translate my language?
Currently, translating the language on this page isn't supported by the offline devices. Translate tool is an application that can translate hundreds of languages. If you use Google Chrome, you can use a right click on the mouse. Select the menu, select "Translate to ...". Please to see the pop-up window on the Chrome browser in the top right corner.
Check existing conversations; Would you like to translate to page? then select options. Choose the language customization for the page you want to translate. Click translation button to run translation. In this case at least take a few second to complete.
Translate a language on a mobile device.
Google Chrome Application - Default Browser
The mobile device will predict your setup language. If your mobile device uses non-English language, the mobile device will tell you: Will the page be translated for your language? You can choose with one tap on the screen. Please also note that this page is a version: Indonesian - English. There may also be some discrepancies and irregularities in our translating language.
- In generally, the translation tool will detect the language of the page. So users simply select the desired language, except mixed language on the page. You can see the source of origin on page that they release, includes: some code or symbols, untranslated local languages and important parts written on the pages / post. Specify the language of their main page and then choose your country language.
- The translation tool will generally render the language randomly (machine language system). The vocabulary of each author also has significant problems. So some vocabulary will be less precise in rendering language, and it is also possible that some lines of text don't appear on the page. Please visit each author if the translation isn't correct on the our page.
- Keep in mind also uses resources, especially modem or cable signals, use of data, and data transfer rates are important uses for running translation tools.
- If doing the translation at that time, please scroll the page to full. This is to anticipate changing signals at any time.
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• What if I use the Search Box?
Utilizing the help of the search box needs to be reconsidered to try to look at the Archive Sitemap. Searching for articles in the search box the possibility of helping to search quickly and accurately. It also depends on how rich the content in the provision of this site.
Use the Search Box in the "Menu - Search section", then type in your keywords and hit the search button. The search box will filter and predict the selected terms on your keywords.
The search box will display based on what you are looking for in the site, if in your search doesn't exist, chances are the keyword is too long or outside of the site type.
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• How to use Comments and Reply?
We provide an interface that connects with you and other readers. You can use the grammar is easy to understand each visitor to this site, so that the commentators would have similar interests related to post, or talks about related topics. The Comments and Reply at least be able to make friends among them.
Use one of the account matching and resources to the account "sign in" for comment. Select the comment box at the end of the Post Reference or under Publiser Section. In the comment box enter a comment in the text area and then select Publish or Preview your text comments before being shown to comments area.
You can also see the question and answer about: What if I use the contact form?
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• What if I use Category Options?
Category Options can help identify it from; What this site content has been grouped? It can help you and find the kind of content and also intended to illustrate the specific details on the Post Reference.
Category Options can choose through the filter the type of article. Category options have been grouped by author, so that you can choose easily without using a search engine.
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• What's a Popular Post Options?
Exploring the Popular Posts will present some interesting parts of the top trending topics of the past few days. Popular Post will provide specific data follow the data of visitors of their search. This section will refer to the article author or page types.
Select the "Exploring the Popular Posts" section to refer to the current trending content. "Popular Post" is usually located to the right or left of the main widget on the site or you can find these widgets around the page posts.
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• What's a Archive Sitemap Options?
The Sitemap archive options is a collection of reviews and exploring we were summed up well for browsing this site. This review will include the titles and category.
The sitemap archive options will be presenting some discussion uploaded on our website. You can step with the information quickly to adventure on this site. Use "sitemap Archive" to see a list of titles.
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• What is a 404 pages not found?
"404 Pages Not Found" generally including blank page responses (bugs or broken link) or articles not available. This page simply tells you that this page should not be shown to you. This 404 pages doesn't interfere with your device in a search on this site, but 404 can be used to help improve the user experience. And yeah, we're sticking with this tab title, but you can safely ignore 404 code.
Usually this happens that the page you are looking for may have been moved, deleted, misspelled URL, link from another page or redirect link is expired, renamed or may never exist. In this page will be given some direction to get out of the response code 404.
Solution to problem
Troubleshooted contains general tips and a couple of quick-fixes to try with any malfunctioning feed. Please select the following solutions:
- Make sure the redirect link is correct, eg: hyphen, slash, dot or other code.
- Report the link error related to the site manager, and make sure to install the link properly and naturally. Natural links will give a positive value so that crawling performs a more perfect index on our website.
- Consider back to try to see the choice category tag or Option - Sitemap Archives.
- You can take some menus that have been provided on the 404 page.
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• What are the benefits "back to top" menu?
A lengthy articles and a small screen smartphone will be hard for you to return to the point you want to revert to the top of the page. You can use the "Menu BackToTop" to scroll through pages with a single tap.
This menu can be found on the right side of the "Chevron Circle Ups - ". This tool is useful without disturbing the display area on your browsers.
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• What if I use the contact form?
You step on the part of send message. We are very glad to have you return to this section. Do you want something that important would you say? This section you can give any criticism, suggestions, ideas, information and feedback. We warmly welcome your criticism and suggestions. The information you provide on this form will not be used for anything other than sending an email to your friend (administrator). In general, notes an entry in Contacts Form isn't displayed publicly.
How do I use the Contact Form?
In this form, you should at least have an email address for contact form. "Contact Form" will work if you already have an email account from registrations. Please use source of trust to create an email account. Make sure you enter your email is still active, and legitimate use! Freedom of expression with your email anywhere.
Email support on the Contacts Form:
- Google Mail.
- LiveJournal.
- WordPress.
- TypePad.
- AIM.
- OpenID (Check YoSelf).
Email support on Contact Form can also be used in the comments box.
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• What happens when you click the follow button? (account social)
When you click the follow button, you have flagged and joined the community on the social account network. So you will get a special notice when we update the information in the related social account network.
What data is sent to account social when you click the follow button?
When a user clicks a Follow button, account social receives information including the URL of the page/profile/community followed, and information about the user's account social profile.
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• What's "Superior Features" in the posting?
The Superior Feature is a normal picture, emphasized by special figures, is part of our special home that presents different features in posts and featured snippets in "The Post Reference". When the author sends a featured picture request that is linked to browsing and related journals, we provide opportunities to content creators and site administrators. For example: Connection names of companies, business people or company employees based on feedback on our site. You can also see in the About Chapter - Supporting Activities.
Superior features are usually found in queue list or "The Basic Tourism Information" tag. And this particular house will change at any time. But anyone can use our property (Free) with suggestions and recommendations according to the conditions.
- New content.
- Title of content.
- Choose the most interesting picture/image.
- The minimum article is 2,000 words.
- Submit long-term articles to products, for example: hotels, restaurants, new entrepreneurs or medium businesses.
- Address and contact that refers to your product.
- Only area in Yogyakarta.
The contribution of your article will be reviewed by the site administrator and changes may occur. However, administrators can also reject articles based on content that isn't suitable on our channel.
You can also see the question and answer about: Can I be part of the contribution of articles/journals?
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• Can I advertise on this site?
Before submitting your wish to improve business promotion from this space section of the site. With our deepest heart, we aren't yet sure to achieve the right success related to the popularity of our site. Can you consider once again about your desire to advertise at our home online?
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• Can I be part of the contribution of articles/journals?
Yes. Your journal is part of a wonderful and meaningful journey for you. We are glad for your free time to share on this site to many people.
We currently have two administrators to run the site and maintain the policies that are owned by each site operator, and the reputation of our website to always be well maintained. And now we can't link directly to the system for new authors. Your desires and interests are highly appreciated so in that respect; If you are interested in contributing to your journal, we can only provide author credit at the end of the posting page. You may refer one of the administrators of this site.
Terms and Conditions:
- Original content. This means that there are no duplicates on other websites.
- Content is an idea, and your own work.
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* End of document.
The HelpSite resource section is complemented by the author and feedback from users to facilitate and complement the usability of the site. Any changes made by the "Template Designer" on this page will change at any time and in particular the benefits of the HelpSite section of the page. Was this section helpful? Find this code: HelpSite Support to communicate with us. The greet to explore.
Site Reference 2012