
Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta

Welcome to the Basic Information of Tourism: Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta. Tradition is a part of Javanese life that combines the diversity of society activities that is currently developing and becoming a benchmark for beautiful cultural epic values.
Epic travelers can take a short tour explore traditions, and cultural tours that evolves through an epic mechanism of social-culture life of society.
The Javanese Custom
Epic travelers - Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta
• Kenduri or kenduren Tradition
"Kenduri" is a epic mechanism of society social life built since long time. The essence of ritual ceremony of kenduri is to share in the form of cooked food. Generally this dish is distributed to society.
"Kenduri" or "kenduren" or "Sedekahan" aims to teach the society to be willing and accustomed to share some of their sustenance (luck) to others peoples.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Traditional Kenduri opens in new window.
• Among-among Tradition
The tradition of "Among-among" is a traditional ceremony similar to a traditional ceremony of kenduri. Those who participate in event in the "Among-among Tradition" are only half or part of the society. Usually they do this tradition through a special invitation (door to door). The attendance is about 9 to 10 people, and usually for Weton Tradition (one's birth month according to Javanese calendar) or other small ceremonial traditions.
• Wiwit Tradition
Wiwit Tradition is a society tradition that is often done when "rice plants start to green" and "start harvesting rice". When rice plants began to green, they carried out the tradition of "Wiwit Jenangi". They do this tradition with a kind of porridge with a small amount of brown sugar or Javanese sugar (Gula Jawa). At harvest time, farmers celebrate small ceremonies (Wiwit Panen), symbolic start harvesting rice can be done the next day. This "Wiwit Tradition" provides chicken dishes, liwet rice (Nasi Liwet), eggs and mengono. "Mengono" is a food made from young jackfruit with a distinctive mixture and taste of coconut.
Usually this wiwit tradition is followed by children and adults. Everything depends on the wiwit tradition and the ceremony that was carried out.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Insights Rural Creative Part: 1 - Wiwit Tradition opens in new window.
• Gejog Lesung (Gejluk Lesung)
"Gejog Lesung" is one of the forms of folk party and traditional art of Yogyakarta. This feast is unique from the processing of "Paddy Seeds" to "rice seed exfoliation" the based on the sound of Gejog or long wood, and Lesung a wooden hole like a long boat. The society combines the rhythm of Gejog with dance as a greeting for abundant food especially rice harvest.
Some also use a hollow stone in the middle or they call "Lumpang". "Gejog" has a resemblance of the "Gejluk, Gemblong".
• Singir Jawa Kuno
"Singir Jawa Kuno" is one of epic ancient traditions and culture Javanese literature that has ties and complicated structure. Another basic is "Serat Jawi kang awrat babakan ngelmi" that has meaning is a message of Java has a weight about explaining the knowledge and science.
"Singir Jawa-Kuno" is part of a short sentence, such as setting other languages such songs "Singir Jawa-Kuno", each line has an important bond that can describe with a lot of purpose, meaning or the story of a life.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Singir Jawa Kuno or Singir Java-Ancient opens in new window.
• Garebeg Ceremony
"Garebeg Ceremony" is The procession epic Java traditional ceremony. "Garebeg Syawal" organized to coincide with Eid al-Fitr, Garebeg Syawal which is held every year, coinciding with the 1 Syawal 1430 Hijriah or 1 Syawal 1942 based on the Javanese calendar.
"Garebeg Besar" coincide with the Eid al-Adha, and Garebeg Mawlid or coincide with the commemoration of the birth of Nabi Muhammad.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Garebeg Sekaten Ceremony Yogyakarta opens in new window.
• Creation Janur
"Creation Janur or The art of stringing young coconut leaves" is a handicraft of leaf material to train talent, diligence, neatness, ways of working and more. The old epic traditions and culture still inherent in Javanese society.
Travelers can view the project from young coconut leaves in the "Creation Janur". Although based on a leaf or young coconut leaves, if studied further, coconut leaves have many traditional games that can be used for children's games.
In Java, "Creation Janur" has different meanings depending on the form created in the traditional games of Java, Java ceremonies or other activities. If fully studied, "Creations Janur" have meaning about 20 kinds of meaning, while "Kreasi" and "Janur" is a term the epic tradition Java language in a epic series of things that are made from materials "Janur" or young coconut leaves.
• The Old Javanese Calendar
Tradition and culture about the beliefs of the Old Javanese Calendar (Penanggalan Jowo Lawas) is the science of Java - the traditional mathematics. In Java, the National calendar isn't enough, so many people who don't choose it. Because it makes them confused in determining the important day, and the determination of "Pasaran Day" or the determination of traditional market. Thus, the National Calendar doesn't applicable, or rarely used the Java people.
Javanese calendar day, they can find: Weton day (a person is born), Géblak day (Work that isn't good or the day that doesn't do the job), Pasaran day, the control of security activities in the village (Ronda), traditional ceremonies, and much more. Pasaran day (market day) is days used to regulate or control the economic activities of traditional markets in Java. In Java, (Open and Close) the market isn't based on a holiday or Sunday or open every day, but based on the Java days.
They still use the Ancient Javanese Calendar and "Penanggalan Jowo Lawas" method in various activities of life to this day.
Read also in exploring the post reference: The Old Javanese Calendar opens in new window.
• Jamasan
"Jamasan" is one of spiritual of Javanese culture as a form of Cultural Heritage preservation that is epic tradition "Keris Tosan Aji". The Keris has a very high value in Java. The a meaning is a gathering between two beings of the disparate types (Warangka and Bilah) or (Warangka Wadon and Bilah Lanang). "Jamasan" is one form of purification or bathing a Keris is done every month "Suro".
Keris also symbolizes the wisdom of Javanese culture and Personal symbols with a teaching of primacy are defined in the ability to distinguish to between correct and wrong, a good and bad deeds.
• Exotic craft of Batik (Kain Malam)
Exotic craft of Batik Indonesia is officially included in the 76 cultural heritage by the United Nations (UNESCO). Batik is put into the List of Representative as Culture of Intangible of Human Heritage (Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity). Indonesian Batik Day is celebrated in the month of September in Indonesia. Batik became part of the 76 arts and traditions of 27 countries in the list of UNESCO.
Ancient batik fabrics have a very diverse meaning. The Batik Research Center has an impressive permanent batik exhibit with classic and modern design.
Both batik processes are drawn by hand, and the tools used to move or take a typical liquid are used to make batik (canting).
Read also in exploring the post reference: Batik Yogyakarta Indonesia opens in new window.
• Carnival Merti Earth
Carnival Merti Earth (Carnival Merti Bumi) is a ceremony to show gratitude, or as a form of gratitude to God Almighty of the rural people above all an abundance of grace that has been given in the hope the abundance of grace can be continuously provided to all communities.
Merti earth is a ceremony of gratitude for God Almighty grace in the form of fertile land, abundant water, good harvests, and so on. Carnival and other society activities, include: Carnival Merti Bumi, Carnival Birthday City, Carnival Culture, Carnival of Bersih Dusun.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Carnival Merti Earth Yogyakarta opens in new window.
Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta is part of a place of tradition that is full of stories and journeys of today's society. Furthermore, performing tradition is a balance or mix of culture in society itself.
Expand the Basic Information of Tourism - Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta opens in new window.
Greetings for explorers.


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