
Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta

Dear colleagues and friends, Welcome to the Basic Information of Tourism: "Online Aspiration - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta". Public information service aims to make it easier to find important information about Yogyakarta. If there is any change of information, We will try to provide more information and improvements. Hopefully useful for your public service.
Epic travelers - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta
Image Reference: Travel bus
A. City and Postal code
Code Indonesia: +62.
Code Area (Yogyakarta): 0274.
Hunting and Reservations: +62 274 ... ... (The destination phone)
Data Table
City and Postal code
City Postal code Code area
1 Yogyakarta 55000 0274
2 Bantul 55700 0274
3 Sleman 55500 0274
4 Wates 55600 0274
5 Wonosari 55800 0274
B. Department of Culture and Tourism of Yogyakarta
Data Table
1Yogyakarta City.Jl. Suroto No. 11 Kotabaru, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224.(0274) 588025.
2Bantul Regency.Jl. Lingkar Timur, Manding, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55714.(0274) 2810756.
3Kulon Progo Regency.Jl. Sugiman No.12, Pengasih, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55652.(0274) 773095.
4Gunung Kidul Regency.Jl. KH. Agus Salim No.126, Kepek, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55813.(0274) 391031.
4Sleman Regency.Jl. KRT Pringgodiningrat No. 13, Tridadi, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55511.(0274) 869613.
C. Station Yogyakarta
  1. Tugu Station.
  2. Lempuyangan Station.
D. Airport of Yogyakarta
  1. YIA - Yogyakarta International Airport.
    Address: Palihan, Temon, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
    Phone: (0274) 4606000. Fax: (0274) 4606061.
  2. Adisucipto Airport.
    Address: Jl. Raya Solo KM.9, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282.
    Phone: (0274) 498261.
E. Important Phone of Yogyakarta
Phone Services Hospital
  1. RSUP Dr Sarjito - 587333, 631190.
  2. RS Bethesda - 562246, 586688.
  3. RS Panti Rapih - 514845.
  4. RS PKU Muhammadiyah - 512653.
  5. RSUD Kota - 371195.
  6. RS Mata DR Yap - 562054.
  7. Klinik Ludira Husada Tama - 620091, 620373.
  8. RS Khusus Bedah Patmasuri - 372021, 372022.
  9. RS Khusus Bedah Suderman - 589090.
  10. RS DKT - 566596.
  11. RS Syaraf Puri Nirmala - 515255.
  12. RSI Hidayatullah - 389194.
  13. RSIY PDHI - (0274) 6991084.
  14. RSUD Bantul - 367381, 367386.
  15. RS AT-Turots Al-Islamy - 7431668, 7114823.
  16. UST Medical Center (UMC) - 7492025, 7165917, 7459681.
  17. RS Puri Husada - 867270.
  18. RS Kharisma Paramedika - (0274) 774633.
  19. Happy Land Medical Centre - 550058, 550060.
  20. RS Khusus Bedah Ringroad Selatan - (0274) 7485737.
  21. Jogja International Hospital (JIH) - (0274) 4463535.
  22. RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul - (0274) 367437, 368238, 368587.
  23. RSIA Sakina Idaman - (0274) 582039.
  24. RSU Permata Husada - (0274) 441212, 441313.
  25. RSU Rachma Husada Bantul - 7459464, 6460091.
  26. RSUD Sleman (Murangan) - (0274) 868437, Faximile (0274) 868812.
  1. Relief services - 113.
  2. Yogyakarta - 587101.
  3. Sleman - 868351, 8687405 (psw 1188).
SAR Team
  1. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) - 563231, 562811 (psw 319).
Police Phone of Yogyakarta
  1. Poltabes / Pemapta - 512511.
  2. Unit Lakalantas - 513237.
  3. Jasa Raharja - 08001333464. (Pulsa-free service)
  4. SAR DIY - 563231, 562811.
  5. Psw - 319.
  6. Call Center Kota Yogya - 290274.
  7. SMS / HP - 2740 / 08122780001.
  8. Mitra Merdika Tourism Medical Service - (0274) 444444, 377019.
  9. Emergency Ambulance in the city of Yogyakarta. - 118 or (0274) 420118.
F. Public Complaints Service Police of Yogyakarta
  1. CALL CENTER - 112.
  2. BID Program DIY - 0813-25779966.
  3. SMS/CALL - 0818-024 000 000.
  4. Polda DIY - (0274) 888678.
  5. Dit Reskrim Polda DIY - (0274) 883841.
  6. Poltabes Yogyakarta - (0274) 512940.
  7. Sat Reskrim Poltabes Yogyakarta - (0274) 563139.
  8. Polres Bantul - (0274) 367111.
  9. Sat Reskrim Polres Bantul - (0274) 367570.
  10. Polres Kulonprogo - (0274) 773185.
  11. Sat Reskrim Polres Kulonprogo - (0274) 774287.
  12. Polres Gunungkidul - (0274) 391410.
  13. Sat Reskrim Polres Gunungkidul - (0274) 394410.
  14. Polres Sleman - (0274) 868424.
  15. Sat Reskrim Polres Sleman - (0274) 869040.
G. Yogyakarta FM Radio transmitter channel
• A-Mega FM, • Bantul Radio FM, • Candi Sewu FM, • DCR Radio, • Eltira FM, • EMC FM, • Fimale FM, • GCD FM, • Geronimo FM, • Global Radio FM, • Impact Radio, • I-Radio, • Istakalista FM, • Jogja Family FM, • Jogja Radio FM, • Kota Perak FM, • KR Radio, • Mazda Radio, • Mega suara FM, • NBS FM, • Petra FM, • Prambos FM, • Q-Radio FM, • Radio 9, • Radio Persatuan FM, • Reco Buntung FM, • RRI-1, 2, 3, • Sasondo FM, • Sonora FM, • Star FM, • Star Family FM, • Suara Gama FM, • Trijaya FM, • UNISI FM, • UTY FM, • V-DEC FM, • Yasika FM.
H. Television Transmitters of Yogyakarta
  1. TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia)
    Address: Jl. Magelang Km 4.5, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284.
    Phone: (0274) 514402, 514403.
    Fax: (0274) 514909, 551000, 550542.
  2. JogjaTV
    Address: Jl. Wonosari Km.9 Sendang Tirto, Brebah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
    Phone: (0274) - 451900, +62 274-88899.
  3. RBTV
    Address: Jl. Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
    Phone: (0274) 557788.
    Fax: (0274) 586086.
  4. ADITV
    Address: Jl. Raya Tajem Km 3, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
    Phone: (0274) 4531777.
    Fax: -
I. Cinema or Movie Theater of Yogyakarta
  1. Ambarrukmo XXI
    Conveniently located: Plaza Ambarrukmo Lantai 3.
    Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto KM 6.5, Depok, Caturtunggal, Ambarukmo, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281.
    Phone: (0274) 4331221.
  2. Empire XXI.
    Address: Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 104, Gondokusuman, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55221.
    Phone: (0274) 551021.
  3. Jogja City XXI
    Conveniently located: Jogja City Mall.
    Address: Jl. Magelang KM. 6, No. 18, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284.
    Phone: (0274) 5304221.
J. Sports Arena (Stadium) of Yogyakarta
  1. Amongrogo Stadium
    Address: Semaki, Umbulharjo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. Kridosono Stadium
    Address: Yos Sudarso, Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. Madya Stadium
    Address: Universitas UGM, Jl. Olahraga, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  4. Mandala Krida Stadium
    Address: Jl. Gondosuli, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  5. Meguwoharjo Stadium
    Address: Jl. Kepuhsari, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  6. Tridadi Stadium
    Address: Tridadi, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  7. Sports Arena UNY
    Address: Jl. Juminahan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  8. UNY Stadium
    Address: Jl. Colombo, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
K. Bus Station of Yogyakarta
  1. Gliwangan Station
    Address: Jl. Imogiri Tim. No.207, Umbulharjo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. Jombor Station
    Address: Jl. Magelang, Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. Condong Catur Station
    Address: Jl. Anggajaya I, Condong Catur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
L. Transportation of Yogyakarta
  1. Andong.
  2. Airlines.
  3. Becak.
  4. Bus.
  5. Taxi.
  6. Train.
  7. Bendi.
  8. Dokar.
  9. Gerobak.
M. Moneychanger of Yogyakarta
  1. Authorized Money Changer
    Address: Jl. Sosrowijayan, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271.
    Phone: (0274) 566179.
    Hours: Monday - Sunday: 08:00 - 21:00 WIB.
  2. Barumun Abadi.
    Address: Jl. Malioboro No. 60 Yogyakarta 55271.
    Phone: +62 274 551557 / 580135.
    Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 19:00 WIB.
    Saturday - Sunday: 08:00 - 15:00 WIB.
  3. Mulia Money Changer.
    Address: Jl. Malioboro No.60, Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271.
    Phone: (0274) 547688.
    Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 18:00 WIB.
    Saturday - Sunday: 08:00 - 15:00 WIB.
  4. Sinar Mulia Jogja Valas.
    Address: Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No.10, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122.
    Phone: (0274) 566592.
    Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 15:00 WIB.
N. Immigration office of Yogyakarta
  • Immigration Office - Class I.
    Address: Jl. Yogyakarta - Solo: KM 10, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55282.
    Phone: (0274) 484370.
    Faks: (0274) 487130.
    HP: 081 228 381 605.
    Address: Jl. Nasional III, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55184.
    Phone: (0274) 484370.
Basic Information of Tourism: Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta, may not always be available.
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Information & Public Services

Public information service aims to make it easier to find important information about Yogyakarta. If travelers need public interest during the tour, read more the Basic Information of Tourism in the "Online Aspiration - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta". Hopefully useful for your public service.
