
Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia | Epic Travelers

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Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia

The Basic Information of TourismDaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Epictravelers - Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia
Tourism spot
Tourism Spot - Find your own attractions, be it natural beauty, history, culture, or other unique experiences that interest visitors.
Places of Interest
Hello friends and happy relatives, best regards for traveling lovers around the world. Welcome to the epic full-insight of the travel lovers to places of interest of Yogyakarta Indonesia. Travel is part of your epic happiness life. We believe that every trip is unique and very meaningful for your every step! Your beauty and confidence keep an open mind, and natural fascination in your real world; Hopefully your journey is always joyful and happiness for you, greetings friendship wherever you are.
Travelers may want to know or just want to find information about: What is the most popular tourist destination in Yogyakarta? "The Basic Information of Tourism Yogyakarta" will present a magnificent stage of tourism for travelers in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Discover an epic visual journey with your face shining beside you. Your journey will certainly bring its own happiness, with the quotation marks "Your Epic trail is a great journey for you". PLUS: Curiosity for a world that awaits every step of your journey. And now it's was just how to begin.
Travelers wishing to travel independently, epic private journeys, group travel or private group to explore and guide to what is in Yogyakarta. Backpacker tourists are not complete with popular tourist menus in Yogyakarta City. Tour attractions in Yogyakarta present the best vacation spots and interesting places for tourists in Yogyakarta. An epic nuance that refers to peace and serenity to wade through the long journey of your days.
Below are some categories from the tour menu or list of the most popular Epic Tours Destinations in Yogyakarta - Indonesia; As a short tour guide, and share your best experiences as your tripadvisor community. Hopefully still remember with your epic travel bags.
Visit and explore about: Gate Charm of Tourism Yogyakarta Indonesia
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Wonderful Indonesia
Pesona Indonesia
Domestic Tourism Territory: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
The Basic Information of Tourism
Popular Tourist Attractions
Territory: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Tourism Village of Yogyakarta
Tourism Village is a panoramic paradise; the exotic Green World combined with a tour menu of rural community life (people's lives), social culture life, traditional nuance, natural resources, rural nature tourism and excels in developing nuances values of harmonious society life. A nuance that provides a balance that captivates nature which is absorbed by the wisdom of society lives; Implement and managing the most noble government through bureaucracy; The seriousness of independent economic quality rights services; competitive, and prosperous.
Tourism Village is a rural area that has uniqueness, beauty and special characteristics. They are still building their tourism with a kinship system and one of tangible manifestations of Community Based Rural Tourism Development or Community Based Tourism.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Rural Creative Traditional Nuance
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Discover and exploring places of interest the Tourism Village activities in Yogyakarta Indonesia; Where you can live mingled with the society and traverse life with the beautiful society there.
Where can tourists do research as well as being a part of "Rural Creative"? Previews for your Tourism Village destination.
A. Bantul Regency
  1. Desa Wisata Kasongan.
  2. Desa Wisata Kebon Agung.
  3. Desa Wisata Krebet.
  4. Desa Wisata Panjangrejo.
  5. Desa Wisata Tembi.
B. Kulon Progo Regency
  1. Desa Wisata Banjarasri.
  2. Desa Wisata Dolan Deso Boro.
  3. Desa Wisata Jatimulyo.
  4. Desa Wisata Nglinggo.
  5. Desa Wisata Purwosari.
  6. Desa Wisata Tinalah.
C. Sleman Regency
  1. Desa Wisata Bokesan.
  2. Desa Wisata Brajan.
  3. Desa Wisata Brayut.
  4. Desa Wisata Dukuh.
  5. Desa Wisata Gamblong.
  6. Desa Wisata Gabugan.
  7. Desa Wisata Garongan.
  8. Desa Wisata Grogol.
  9. Desa Wisata Kelor.
  10. Desa Wisata Ketingan.
  11. Desa Wisata Malangan.
  12. Desa Wisata Pajangan.
  13. Desa Wisata Penting Sari.
  14. Desa Wisata Petung.
  15. Desa Wisata Pulesari.
  16. Desa Wisata Pundong.
  17. Desa Wisata Sambi.
  18. Desa Wisata Sangu Banyu.
  19. Desa Wisata Srowolan.
  20. Desa Wisata Tanjung.
  21. Desa Wisata Turgo.
  22. Desa Wisata Trumpon.
D. Gunung Kidul Regency
  1. Desa Wisata Bejiharjo.
  2. Desa Wisata Bobung.
  3. Desa Wisata Mojo.
  4. Desa Wisata Wonosadi.
Palace Tourism of Yogyakarta
Palace is symbolic the epic a combination of the king's unification with folk. Kraton is still the center of traditional life of Yogyakarta and despite the progress of the 20th century. These ideals are for the values of people's lives and especially the beauty of epic arts and culture of The Kingdom in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) area. This is based on local wisdom on local social and cultural values.
  1. Ambarrukmo Palace (Kraton).
  2. Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace (Kraton).
  3. Pakualaman Palace (Kraton).
Read also in exploring the post reference: Kraton Yogyakarta Sultanate
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Temple Tourism of Yogyakarta
Artifact cultural journey - Temple tourism is a symbol of perfecting old traditional cultural connections and the balance of the development of today's modern world, and one of the world's of Epic-Artifacts oldest cultural heritage in Java. Culture is seen from the perfection of masterpieces and civilizations that uphold the culture in that century. And one of the best old culture and amazing destinations in Indonesia.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Borobudur Temple
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Relics and the protection of the world of cultural artifacts is preservation of ancient cultures which today is one of the best cultural preservation of epic artifacts in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Discover the excitement of exploring a new world of travelers; Where can tourists do research or desire to visit "The Adventure the Temple Series"
  1. Banyunibo temple.
  2. Barong Temple.
  3. Gampingan temple.
  4. Gebang temple.
  5. Ijo temple.
  6. Kalasan temple.
  7. Kedulan temple.
  8. Kimpulan temple.
  9. Klodangan temple.
  10. Mendut temple.
  11. Mantup temple.
  12. Plaosan temple.
  13. Plataran temple.
  14. Prambanan temple.
  15. Ratu Boko temple.
  16. Sambi Sari temple.
  17. Sari temple.
  18. Sewu temple.
The next section takes and get a serious adventure to explore temples in Central Java. Where tourists can adventure?
  1. Asu Sengi temple.
  2. Bubrah temple.
  3. Borobudur temple.
  4. Cetha temple.
  5. Dieng temple.
  6. Gedongsanga temple.
  7. Klero temple.
  8. Lumbung temple.
  9. Ngawen temple.
  10. Ngempon temple.
  11. Pawon temple.
  12. Plaosan temple.
  13. Pringapus temple.
  14. Sajiwan temple.
  15. Selogriyo temple.
  16. Sewu temple.
  17. Sukuh temple.
The epic world of cultural heritage artifacts is reflected from the foundation of art and epic culture of the society. Travelers can take a short tour and explore Epic Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta that evolves through an epic mechanism of social-culture life of society or now by looking at the traditions and cultures that still survive.
This is where are the colors of Yogyakarta shimmering dances it's life, and glimmered spirit around it. A place where hidden treasures are shielded and so the story life on.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Performing Arts and Culture Yogyakarta
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Waterfall Tourism of Yogyakarta
A panoramic world of adventures of natural waterfalls from nature; Be amazed by the sanguine natural beauty that bestows it's beauty and freshness of nature. Travelers can complement and enjoy the cool natural water with beautiful natural beauty. This is a places embellished by the beauty of the canyon and valley. Where travelers can feel the thrill of waterfalls rushed there. Enjoy the beauty of the outdoors with a combination of exotic green nature. Where travelers can adventure?
  1. Curug Sidoharjo Waterfall - Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. LEPO Dlingo Waterfall - Pokoh, Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. Grojogan Watu Jonggol - Nglinggo Barat, Pagerharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  4. Japan Cave Waterfall (The slopes of Mount Merapi) - West Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  5. Muncar Waterfall (The slopes of Mount Merapi) - East Kaliurang Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  6. Sri Gethuk Waterfall - Menggoran, Bleberan, Playen, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  7. Randusari Waterfall - Banyuurip, Jatimulyo, Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Water Park Tourism of Yogyakarta - Top Waterboom
Travel the aquatic world as an ideal family tourism rides with children, enjoy joyful and always achieve happiness. Water can give your body reflection during play with perfection of motion and balance the touch of sunlight. Travelers can enjoy the spa to stretch the body and relax from the water. Where can tourists take an adventure in Top-Waterboom in Yogyakarta?
  1. Balong Waterpark. Jl Pleret Km 1.5, Potorono, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. CitraGrand Mutiara Waterpark. Jl Wates Km 9, Balecatur, Gamping, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. Galaxy Waterpark. Jl Wonosari Km 6, Potorono, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  4. Grand Puri Water Park. Jl Parangtritis Km 9.5, Gabusan, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  5. Jogja Bay Pirates Adventure Waterpark. Jl. Utara Stadion, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  6. Mina Wisata Bangsan. Jl Bangsan Kayen, Sindumartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  7. Waterboom Pakem Sari. Jl Raya Pakem - Turi km 0.4, Harjobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Campground Tourism of Yogyakarta
Love our earth with a balance of adventure under blue sky and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Feel the nuance of your trail with the exotic green plants around it. Where the cool breeze will comes to you there.
Travelers who love outdoor adventure, this is the best place to return adventurous. Where travelers can outdoor adventure?
  1. Bumi Perkemahan Karang Pramuka - Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. Girikaton Camping Ground - Jl Kaliurang Km 20, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. SukaDesa Outbount Camp Yogyakarta - Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  4. Puncak Becici Camping Ground - Pedukuhan Gunung Cilik, Muntuk, Dlingo, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Museum and Monuments Tourism of Yogyakarta
A unique journey to provide a classic experience and re-recognize a glory of a region. Stand building sturdy museums and monuments in Yogyakarta. Where travelers can adventure?
  1. Afandi Museum.
  2. Batik Museum.
  3. Benteng Vredeburg Museum.
  4. Jogja Kembali Monuments.
  5. Merapi Museum. (Tour guide - Ready)
  6. Sonobudoyo Museum.
  7. Penerbangan Adisucipto Monuments.
  8. Ullen Sentalu Museum. (Tour guide - Ready)
  9. Tentara Pelajar Monuments.
Rumah Budaya Tourism / Art House of Yogyakarta
Rumah Budaya is a public space of cultural diplomacy that is manifested from the beautiful complexes of the beautiful regional epic culture. The collection at Rumah Budaya is dedicated to Indonesian culture.
Facilities and Infrastructure of the existence of a culture house as a means to develop their inspiration also makes Rumah Budaya the become one of the friendship of Indonesian state witch combined with "Art House" and "Art Lovers". Where travelers can get adventure?
  1. Omah Petruk Karang Kletak (Sleman).
  2. Tembi Rumah Budaya (Bantul).
Read also in exploring the post reference: Rumah Budaya the Wonderful Indonesia
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Religious Tourism of Yogyakarta
Tourism major religious event, presents a special place in the region of Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Travelers can attend the event with big religious days. Where's the big event?
  1. Buddhism - Borobudur.
  2. Hinduism - Pura Jagatnatha.
  3. Islam - Masjid Gedhe Kauman.
  4. The Catholic Church - Gereja Katolik Keluarga Kudus Banteng.
Beaches Tourism of Yogyakarta
The natural-background of tourists stepping and standing with panoramic views of the beach from the beauty of the sea. Live life and love the beach. Be amazed by the sanguine city that bestows its beauty and pleasure. Where the blue sky lives long and the sea whispers. Perfect the white sand and motion the make your feel like travelers the orange heaven.
Explore the orange sand paradise that becomes travelers exotic tourism destination. Where can tourists find an orange paradise?
  1. Baron beach.
  2. Congot beach.
  3. Depok beach.
  4. Drini beach.
  5. Glagah beach.
  6. Kesirat beach.
  7. Krakal beach.
  8. Kukup beach.
  9. Ngrenehan beach.
  10. Ngobaran beach.
  11. Ngongap beach.
  12. Pandasimo beach.
  13. Parang Endog beach.
  14. Parang Kusumo beach.
  15. Parangtritis beach.
  16. Sadeng beach.
  17. Samas beach.
  18. Sepanjang beach.
  19. Siung beach.
  20. Sundak beach.
  21. Pok Tunggal beach.
  22. Indrayanti beach.
  23. Trisik beach.
  24. Wediombo beach.
The Zoo Tourism of Yogyakarta
The best tourist spot to recognize a variety of animal species and the only place that is very popular in Yogyakarta. A suitable place and ideal for traveling with family and your best friends. Get to know various animals with exotic natural nuances. Where can tourists have fun with it?
  • Gembira Loka Zoo.
Natural Tourism of Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta has beautiful mountains with exotic natural beauty that provides cool breezes and adventures for beautiful nature lovers. This is where the rainbow naturally cleanses the magic. Witness the lush greenery of lands and tropical rainforests to rest in the sun and the serenades soft life. A world the great nature presents it's shield over the wildlife. Enjoy climbing routes with a beautiful open atmosphere while in natural forests. Where tourists can adventure?
A. Bantul Regency
  1. Bukit Panguk Kediwung.
  2. Gardu Pandang Mangunan.
  3. Hutan Pinus Pengger.
  4. Pintoe Langit Dahromo.
B. Kulon Progo Regency
  1. Bukit Wisata Pulepayung.
  2. Kalibiru.
  3. Nglinggo Tea Plantation.
  4. Puncak Suralaya.
  5. Puncak Widosari.
C. Sleman Regency
  1. Bukit Klumprit.
  2. Bukit Srumbung Indah.
  3. Bukit Teletubbies.
  4. Kaliurang.
  5. Klangon Hill.
D. Gunung Kidul Regency
  1. Gunung Api Purba Nglanggeran.
  2. Goa Jomblang.
  3. Green Village Gedangsari.
  4. Wanagama 1000 Selfie.
  5. Wisata Alam Puncak Gunung Jambu.
Castle, and Tourism Buildings of Yogyakarta
Still in the city of Yogyakarta, Jogja presents "Epic Jogja Travel" lovers the new epic experiences with sturdy buildings from a combination of outside culture and local culture. Where travelers can get adventure?
  1. Gondomanan Castle.
  2. StoneHenge.
  3. Taman Sari.
  4. The Lost World Castle.
  5. The World Landmarks ‑ Merapi Park Yogyakarta.
Shopping and Culinary Tourism of Yogyakarta
Explore the charms of shopping paradise and culinary tours. Tourists can choose the most popular places with a diversity of local produce, food, clothing, tourist trinkets, antiques, old stuff - new stuff and much more.
  1. Gabusan - (Art market).
  2. The typical traditional food of Gunung Kidul - (Tiwul, Gatot).
  3. Kaliurang - (Jadah Tempe food).
  4. Kasongan - (Pottery).
  5. Kota Gede - (Silver).
  6. Malioboro - (Clothes, Electronics, Culinary, Antiques, etc).
  7. Pasar Bringharjo - (Batik fabric and clothes).
  8. Pasar Klitikan - (Secondhand collection).
  9. Pasar Ngasem - (Ornamental bird market).
  10. Patuk - (Bakpia food).
The charm of traditional Javanese culinary, presenting "The Basic Information of Tourism" with Wonderfood "Hunting Gudeg Jogja".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Hunting Gudeg Jogja
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Jamu Traditional Tourism (Jamu Godog) of Yogyakarta
"Jamu" is a famous herbal medicine in Java and is one of the "World of Health" heritage for the Java people. "Jamu Godog" is a herbal medicine made from natural herbs as a basic ingredient in Javanese medicines. Herbal ingredients are only cooked with "Kuali" (traditional Javanese cookware made of clay).
Basic herbs are roots, leaves, stems, turmeric, seeds and plant-specific ingredients. Travelers can find about one hundred kinds of materials from the plant as the basic of herbal drinks.
The color of herbal Jamu is like tea water and has a distinctive aroma of JAMU and the typical taste of Jamu-Jawa is bitter. Where travelers can find?
  1. Merapi Farma Herbal (Jamu Godog) - Jl. Kaliurang Km 21 Sidorejo, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. Jamu Godhog Khas Jogja - Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Coffee Shop Tourism of Yogyakarta
A unique and classic nuance with the seriousness of enjoying the magic of epic coffee aroma. Yogyakarta Coffee shop presents a super cozy coffee shop mix of exotic nuances in Jogja. Where travelers can find local produce by coffee farmers from tropical lands. Where can tourists enjoy the warm steeping of Yogyakarta coffee?
  1. Blackbone Coffee - Jl. Kaliurang KM 5.2. Gang Pakel Blok C No. 4, Karangwuni, Manggung, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  2. Epic Coffee - Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No.29, Mudal, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  3. Klinik Kopi - Jl. Kaliurang KM 7.5, Gang Bima, Ngabean Kulon, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
  4. NOX Coffee Boutique - Jl. Kaliurang KM 5, No.53, Manggung, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Agro Tourism of Yogyakarta
Exotic adventure in the countryside with a green feel that blends local business community activities. Travelers can practice or only know the business world, economics and marketing; especially agro tourism which leads to business pioneers. Where travelers can adventure?
  1. Agrowisata Bhumi Merapi (pets, gardens, outbound training areas, cave tours).
  2. Agrowisata Gerbosari - Chrysanthemum.
  3. Kusumo Wanadri - The orchards (Naga fruit).
  4. Kebon Naga - The orchards (Naga fruit).
  5. Sabila Farm - The orchards (Naga fruit).
  6. Salsabila Farm - The orchards (Naga fruit).
  7. Puncak Kebun Buah Mangunan - The orchards (Fruit).
  8. Turi of Sleman - The orchards (Salak fruit).
Educational Tourism of Yogyakarta
Standing the sturdy building for educational, experiment, science and knowledge vehicles in Yogyakarta.
Discover the best education room and learning facilities suitable for children and the only place that is attractive and friendly for educational vehicle in Yogyakarta. Where travelers can adventure?
  • Gedung Oval Taman Pintar.
Tourism Visits
Business Visits of Yogyakarta
The people's of Yogyakarta present a small business education vehicle or micro businesses that can be learned in sharing information in the field of business and as a means of education in business.
Although the current "Visit on Business" isn't on the full list of destinations on this page, there are times when travelers adventure in "Rural Creative" or the rural that is your destination. Tourists will get a lot of information for tourist destinations at Tourism Visits on "Visit on Business Tourism".
The Epic World - Jogja Student Tourism
Most wanted - The Epic World of Jogja Student Tourism.
Pursue a career world about beautiful dreams to reach extraordinary stages of achievement and education for the best future life. Yogyakarta provides beautiful places in the city of culture and the city of education in Yogyakarta - Indonesia. Superior universities produce graduates who are dedicated, professional, creative, innovative, productive, empathic, creating national commitment and global insight.
Yogyakarta University which continues to preserve cultural customs based on Pancasila, without leaving the local culture, system and the community life-wisdom principle. Organizing top programs for graduates who have moral and intellectual integrity.
Where can epic travelers pursue dreams, and educational achievements? Find academic-nuance space in the list of The Basic Information of Tourism - University and Academy of Yogyakarta.
Read also in exploring the post reference: University and Academy of Yogyakarta
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Life never ending in a journey to always wonder at all times. The next destination for joyful and happiness for travelers in Yogyakarta - Indonesia; Presents the best information by expanding The Basic Information of Tourism: "Online Aspirations - Information and Public Service Yogyakarta".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta
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The Basic Information of Tourism
Destination Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia is the best tourist attractions, the most popular tourism, the best vacation places and the best place for travelers in Yogyakarta - Indonesia. But travelers can still enjoy a beautiful trip that hasn't been registered on Basic Information of Tourism in full. Surely travelers will get many answers after the trip.
Add the best travel list and experience with expand "The Basic Information of Tourism - Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Traditions and Culture Yogyakarta
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Tourism Indonesia
National Tourism
Get full insight exploring Tourism Indonesia. Joyful and happiness for Tourist Backpacker Indonesia with full insight about the amazing world of Tourism in Indonesia. Travelers can visit the official website and the best great tourist spots in Indonesia - Southeast Asia. The best thing to do.
Wonderful Indonesia
Wonderful Indonesia
Overseas Tourism Campaign Country: Indonesia
  • Indonesia Travel
    The official website of the Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia.
Happy traveling in "Life is Happiness, and togetherness in Yogyakarta vacation; Enjoy the freedom of your long vacation. The greet to explore.
Suggestions Popular Lists: Names, categories, addresses/places, may not always be available.


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Backpacker & Tourism
Destination of Yogyakarta

Destination of Yogyakarta will present a magnificent stage of tourism. Travelers wishing to travel independently, epic private journeys, and group travel or private group to explore and guide to what is in Yogyakarta. Travelers backpacker not complete with tour menus.

Rumah Budaya

The exotic from connection The World of Arts and Culture. Presents a unique house a perfect blend of traditional Javanese architecture, and local traditions as part of "Cultural Heritage Tourism". Rumah Budaya is one of the cultural values contained crystallization in the diversity, culture, religion, tradition alive in society and globalization as identification, identity, the recognition, preservation, and strengthening the nation's cultural identity.

List of The Best Hotels in Yogyakarta

Responding as a complement to travelers to relax with tranquility and leisure comfort of sleep, is incomplete if it doesn't stay at a hotel in Yogyakarta, providing 24-hours. Travelers can pamper the leisure of Yogyakarta resort hotels. Friendly service and luxurious room service with typical Yogyakarta hotel class. Tourists can specify hotel prices, strategic place, epic buildings, stars, hotel logos, best locations, beauty of the park and more.

Rural Creative - Traditional Nuance

"Rural Creative" is one of the earliest developments and expansion of activities derived from the "Tourism Village" (mirror of activity). They are together building their tourism with a kinship system, and one of tangible manifestations of Community-Based of Rural Tourism Development Activities or Community-Based Tourism.

Information & Public Services

Public information service aims to make it easier to find important information about Yogyakarta. If travelers need public interest during the tour, read more the Basic Information of Tourism in the "Online Aspiration - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta". Hopefully useful for your public service.
