The society of Yogyakarta recognize the art of jathilan as one of the most popular traditional epic art and amazing performing arts in Yogyakarta Indonesia. Where elements of art and culture become important elements in social life.
Jathilan is a unique and exciting traditional cultural and arts show from Java Yogyakarta. Jathilan is part of the multiculturalism of local culture, behavior of society, and work of people or communities that thrive through the process of learning and adaptation to the environment that serves as a balancer of art activity and local culture for social life.
What is the artistic of traditional Jathilan art?

Image Reference: Jathilan Kudho Prasojo
Jathilan (ê¦—ê¦ ꦶꦔꦫꦁ) is also better known as Kesenian Jathilan, Seni Jathilan, Kesenian Kudho, Kesenian Jotil, Kuda Lumping, Kuda kepang, Jaranan, Jaran Kepang or Tari Kuda Bambu. The names is related to the name of the art and the tool or relationship to the object symbolizes in Jathilan.
The society of Yogyakarta know this art isn't only in general information or brochures, but also recognize the type of art, type of dance movement and type of music used in this art. Jathilan art is a blend of dance art and webbing bamboo horse property accompanied by Epic Gamelan instruments as accompaniment of the dance.
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What is the visual of Jathilan art?
Jathil is a form of dance on the jathilan; or jathilan art which means people who prance or lots of motion. Jathil means of the dance movements / behavior of unusual movement / the way in which one acts / conducts oneself or something that is illustrated in a strange dance behavior. Whereas Jathilan is an interpretation of an art name (art a lots of motion and strange movements).
A long time ago jathilan functioning to connect with spirits. But now gradually become the art and entertainment of the people alone, although the elements of sacred or magic is still there. In addition to performing art that has been known to the public has also become a beautiful epic tradition structure to build social value in the field of art and cultural in the society environment.
What illustration Jathilan art?
Illustration this Jathilan art is a Soldier Panembahan Senopati or also called is symbolic of the guarding army, cavalry (Pasukan Berkuda or soldiers who fought on horseback), the war training soldiers, and others. His army's main power was based on his cavalry - soldiers ride horses, in addition there is also a growing story about the environment in their area. The theme is played, among others: The Panji, Arya Penangsang, and others, but only symbolized in the art and dance.
What equipment in jathilan art?
Kudho are one of the most important artistic tools in Jathilan art. Kudho / Horse in jathilan is a woven bamboo called Kepang or Webbing Bamboo that resembles a horse shape. Dancers perform by using horse webbing, generally colorful and decorated with beads and woven ornament which resembles a horse. Originally jathilan art has horse a black color or mysterious colors and strange, it is said to be a symbolic that the black horse is a rare horse and mystic. During their dance, the dancers carry swords; symbolic of the guarding army. At the time that doesn't allow the woven bamboo can also be replaced with woven coconut leaves. Because of their enthusiasm and desire with limited equipment. Adults use larger horses, woven weights of approximately 10 - 50 Kg.
The fun of children imitating jathilan art style is also an interesting thing to perform. So the children only use coconut midrib, called Bongkok. But they only play in their environment, apart from the art of jathilan performance.
Folk art, and cultural core
Jathilan is the best art and amazing art a typical value of epic cultural preservation as well as the identity of social-culture of society in Yogyakarta, especially base the preservation of art, and social-cultural preservation. Jathilan art is one piece of art based on folk art and cultural core (Seni Budaya Inti Rakyat). Seni Budaya Inti Rakyat is one piece of art and culture based on community empowerment especially in rural areas. But development is based on groups / communities / teams or art activities and same art lovers.
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In Yogyakarta; jathilan art is also called folk art or art that can provide prosperity for the people. They build a society with kinship system mainly through Folk Art and Art Performances. The real form of community empowerment in Jathilan art is implemented through The Paguyuban and mutual cooperation.
Paguyuban is a group or community that is more involved with the art world that has the value of togetherness in building and improving the art, and cultural core of the region. The hope that the welfare of society can be improved through the development of art and culture in rural areas. Jathilan is also a rural social-cultural of epic industry directed to increase the contribution in the development of creative economy, also optimize the balance between the value of cultural preservation and the creation of economic added value.
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Jathilan art is also one element of rural creative arts that can make important contributions, but possibly ignored by policies that support the progress and improvement of this art, such as: the procurement of clothing, art instruments (Gamelan) and other equipment. They build this Paguyuban based on the intention of respecting and preserving the culture that exist in the area. Their budget is a group-based development, so isn't a few people in Yogyakarta love art and develop this art that almost in every region into a scene in this art.
Amazing art
The society of Yogyakarta are still interested in the traditional art of Lumping horses (Kesenian Kudho) or Jathilan which are amazing arts and cheap performances for the society and Jathilan a wonderful art of Jogjakarta. In addition it also became a means of hobby; So isn't a few of these art lovers who come to watch this artwork for their entertainment, for example to erode saturation, boredom, stress and longing for a crowd.
Currently the development of social media (SocMed) for the teenagers to be the most important, especially information about performing arts. So from them isn't hesitate to drive far to watch this art. Another impact of art jathilan is a positive value by the community and the environmentally, so from that many impromptu merchandise to decorate the atmosphere of jathilan performances.
Jathilan is a strategic tool in Yogyakarta tourism development in a tourism destination program focused on The Development of Independent Community Empowerment (Pengembangan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri or PPMM). Art tourism is a rustic art that has uniqueness and special characteristics, so as to make it better for the local society by increasing the active participation of the society and encouraging the involvement of the society in developing the tourism sector in Yogyakarta Indonesia. And then jathilan art can make the tourism actors glance at the concept of tourist visits, so isn't a few actors tourist destinations and folk celebrations into a living reception with this art.
In art jathilan can see and feel directly the values of local wisdom still felt in the daily life of society. So that tourists really feel the atmosphere of this art as in they everyday life. Local wisdom can be found such as society mutual cooperation activities (Gotong Royong). Jathilan art can carry out a wide range of customary activities, and flexible art activities. So anyone can invite him for special events or certain public ceremonies. This art can plan tourism events and preserve the culture through art and art performances jathilan can include several event in their area. So art jathilan many found and is a tourist magnet especially the city of Yogyakarta.
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Epic Creative Industry - Jathilan Art
Epic travelers find a list of epic art industries that are currently trend and popular in Yogyakarta. Paguyuban Jathilan is one of the world manifestations of Rural Creative Activities in the aspect of empowering the beautiful art and culture of society. Discover a variety of preservation and conservation Arts-Tourism activities.
Data Table
The world of Paguyuban Jathilan / ê¦—ê¦ ꦶꦔꦫꦁ Yogyakarta - Indonesia
(Preservation and Conservation Wisata Jathilan) |
| Paguyuban Names
(Lists of Popular Epictravelers) | Address | Arts and Cultural Preservation
(Leader) |
1 | Jathilan Puspito Wiromo Mudo. | Jodag, Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Supardi |
2 | Jathilan Lembayung Senja. | Jombor Lor, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Tri Jatmiko |
3 | Jathilan Turonggo Wulung. | Tanjung Sumberrejo, Tempel, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Tukiran |
4 | Jathilan Mudo Budoyo. | Kalirase, Trimulyo, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Joko Nuryanto |
5 | Jathilan Mustiko Putro. | Ngemplak, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Bambang W |
6 | Jathilan Turonggo Budoyo. | Sinduadi Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Anwar |
7 | Jathilan Turonggo Cahyo Mudho. | Klinyo, Seyegan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Agung Suroso |
8 | Jathilan Pancowiseso. | Godean, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Bimo |
9 | Jathilan Sekar Gadung. | Bangunkerto, Turi, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Nursahit |
10 | Jathilan Turonggo Puspito Manunggal. | Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Slamet Budi S |
11 | Jathilan Satrio Mudho Manunggal. | Karang Geneng Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Nartukijo |
12 | Jathilan Bekso Among Mudo. | Mriyan, Margomulyo, Seyegan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Mardiyana |
13 | Jathilan Satrio Utama. | Dayakan, Sardonoharjo, Ngaglik Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Suyitno |
14 | Jathilan Giri Kondang. | kaliurang Barat, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Wahyu Irwanto |
15 | Jathilan Kudho Praneso. | Gamping Tengah, Ambar Ketawang, Gamping Tengah, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | - |
16 | Jathilan Krido Budoyo Turonggo Mudo. | Gondang Pusung, Cangkringan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | - |
17 | Jathilan Kudho Praneso Ngesti Turonggo Budoyo. | Kragilan, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | - |
18 | Jathilan Turonggo Mudho Cindelaras. | Sono, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | - |
19 | Jathilan Kudho Prasojo. | Tanen, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Suroto |
20 | Jathilan Turonggo Mudho Tri Manunggal Gungan. | Gungan, Wukirsari, Cangkringan, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. | Suparman |
Notes: - Travelers can add a list of favorites Paguyuban Seni Jathilan Yogyakarta in this column. Additional information can be submitted on related social media. (Private Message)
- The leader's name was recorded at the summary. Updates follow the proposal.
| * Records: Hary |
In line with the performance of this jathilan art, this art is also complemented by a show "Jathilan Topeng Buto".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Jathilan Arts of Yogyakarta - The Buto mask opens in new window. What is the traditional dress of jathilan art?
Clothing is the regional epic value of ethnic cultural character. Ethnic character or relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition. Traditional dress of jathilan is has characteristics, and diversity of ethnic cultural character. Jathilan art is similar to Kethoprak performance clothing, Ringgit Purwa / Wayang Orang and even some very simple ones. Colorful ornament is the meaning or symbolism of cultural diversity and attractiveness of the audience.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Kethoprak Arts Icon of Jogjakarta opens in new window. What are the songs in jathilan art show?
Jathilan songs certainly make travelers feel involved in the dance and offer various songs that can be displayed in this art.
Jathilan art presents distinctive of music and song, such as: The Campursari song (Javanese song), Dangdut (Javanese Dangdut and Indonesian Dangdut versions), Pop Java, Pop Indonesian, English-language songs, folk songs, national and even international songs. The song is a popular song; Or a song that is developing and trends in the society environment, and even your favorite songs can be proposed in this art. So this jathilan art is more add a vibrant art of living and tourist attraction of the society, especially the epic dance performed, as well as the accompanying traditional music epic. So that jathilan art is amazing for many people.
Jathilan art is the most artistic local art products in Yogyakarta - Indonesia; A part of visual the epic-culture industry of the folk core, artistic work, symbolic interaction (society), society connection, built socially and forming social bonds, among others; The aim is to revitalize the habit of doing epic of society activities, creative space - visual epic of regional art-culture, preserving cultural customs, epic of social-cultural or combining social and cultural factors of society and groups / people who do activities in the field of "Epic Social-cultural" and "Behavior of Art-Culture of Folk Core". Become a tool of regional art-cultural relations and the development of a core of culture that is spread in the society environment, and is in the midst of the society of Yogyakarta - Indonesia.
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