
The Old Javanese Calendar | Epic Travelers

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The Old Javanese Calendar

The Old Javanese Calendar / Penanggalan Jowo Lawas is part of the epic calculation of the science of Java the traditional mathematics. This is part of the post reference - Epic Discovery. In this case, at least in need of expert especially in traditional Javanese philosophy / Java science (Kejawen) and Javanese culture.
Javanese Calendar
Java people, the National calendar isn't enough. So many people who don't choose it, because it makes them confused in determining the important days, for example: Weton Day, Géblak Day, Selamatan, Parondan (Ronda activity), the determination "Pasaran Day" (the determination of traditional market) and even the determination of the wedding day. Thus, National Calendar just isn't salable or rarely used the Java people.
Javanese calendar is a calendar showing the year, month, date, day or time period that is decisive. [ National Calendar - Javanese Calendar - The calculation of ancient Java (The science of Java) ] is the foundation, system, and measuring every day important the Java people.
Epic travelers - The Old Javanese Calendar
Image Reference: Image illustration
Calculation changes in months and days repeatedly, called the Java calendar cycle. For the layman, the calculation of the Javanese calendar is very confusing. Besides seven days (Sunday to Saturday), we also found a number of cycles - old Javanese Calendar calculations.
The table shows the traditional mathematics of important people from Java. They are write or showed languages or dialects based on sound-mouth practice. Many traditional leaders replied that the ancient calendar calculation; the writing or note is a summary of each person different, they understand the appropriate reference or a better understanding of each formula, and basically found the same answer point.
Javanese calendar contains several systems, overlapping but separate measurement of day, called the trip - Cycle Javanese calendar. These include:
National Calendar
Month, and National Date
National date is the date that is generally used nationally, but also applies to the same calendar date is used in the world.
National date: 1,2,3,4,5 .... 31.
• January (31 days). • February (28 days). • March (31 days). • April (30 days). • Mei (31 days). • June (30 days). • July (31 days). • August (31 days). • September (30 days). • October (31 days). • November (30 days). • December (31 days).
(One year consists of 12 months, and 365 days)
National Day
National Days is a day that is generally used nationally, but also applies to same day calendar used in the world.
National Day
• Sunday • Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday.
National Year
National Year is a Year that is generally used nationally, but also applies to same year calendar used in the world.
• 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019 • 2020 ...
Java Day
Before rolling on to the next reading, there are a few things that need to be seen.
In Java, the names of day has a slight difference in the form of writing and conversation, also written in dialect based on sound-mouth practice, but their meaning is the same. So being Javanese people is complicated.
Day names and Artistic the Jawa Font
• Minggu / Ahad = ꦩꦶꦁꦒꦸ / ꦄꦲꦢ꧀. • Senin = ꦱꦼꦤꦶꦤ꧀. • Selasa = ꦱꦼꦭꦱ. • Rebo - ꦉꦧꦸ. • Kemis = ꦏꦼꦩꦶꦱ꧀. • Jemuwah = ꦗꦼꦩꦸꦮꦃ. • Setu = ꦱꦼꦠꦸ.
Data Table
English LanguageIndonesia LanguageJava Language
SundayMingguAhad / Ngat
ThursdayKamisKemis / Kames
FridayJumatJemuah / Jemuwah
Javanese calendar has five day, such as:
• Legi (ꦊꦒꦶ). • Pahing (ꦥꦲꦶꦁ). • Pon (ꦥꦺꦴꦤ꧀). • Wage (ꦮꦒꦺ). • Kliwon (ꦏ꧀ꦭꦶꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀).
Systems, and measurement overlap
Example: National days and Javanese Days.
Indonesia language (National language) is also understood by Javanese people.
Boso Jowo
• Ngat Legi • Senen Pahing • Sloso Pon • Rebo Wage • Kemis Kliwon •Jemuah Legi • Setu Pahing • Ngat Pon • Senen Wage • Sloso Kliwon • Rebo Legi • Kemis Pahing • Jemuah Pon • Setu Wage ... lan sak panunggale.
Bahasa Indonesia
• Minggu Legi • Senin Pahing • Selasa Pon • Rabu Wage • Kamis Kliwon •Jumat Legi • Sabtu Pahing • Minggu Pon • Senin Wage • Selasa Kliwon • Rabu Legi • Kamis Pahing • Jumat Pon • Sabtu Wage ... dan seterusnya.
Translated as follows:
• Sunday Legi • Monday Pahing • Tuesday Pon • Wednesday Wage • Thursday Kliwon • Friday Legi • Saturday Pahing • Sunday Pon • Monday Wage • Tuesday Kliwon • Wednesday Legi • Thursday Pahing • Friday Pon • Saturday Wage ... and so on.
How important is Javanese Day for Javanese people?
Javanese day has important values, see the following review:
  1. Javanese day are related to traditional economic activities in Java.
    Javanese calendar day, along with days others (National Day) being called "Pasaran Day". Pasaran Day is days used to regulate or control the economic activities of traditional markets in Java.
    In Java, (Open and Close) the traditional market isn't based on a holiday or Sunday or open every day, but based on the Java days. In Java, the traditional markets have days specified, for example: Malioboro market on the day; Legi and Wage, whereas Prambanan market on the day; Pahing and Pon. On the other hand, "Pasaran Day" doesn't apply when preparing the big day activities or special feast day.
  2. Javanese day can define the characteristics of a person.
    The Javanese calendar, the two types of days are combined to remember important events, such as: A person is born or otherwise (Geblak Day). Javanese Day can also define the characteristics of a person, for example: Someone was born in Sunday Legi or born in Monday Pahing. Some experts (the ancient Javanese calendar) say; births for unknown Javanese day can be found using this system (Javanese Day) with more complex to calculate the day, month and year. So that this Javanese day is related to the event of the birth of someone called "Weton Day". According to the beliefs of people of Java, birth someone in the month of Java, it is contradictory if a person suffering from severe pain.
    Name: Jhon Dongbedot is born Sunday Legi. (The properties of these men cool and sweet).
    Sunday Legi is the day of birth or Weton Day. Whether they are sick on the day of Java? So that this Javanese day is connecting / related to fate. The aim is to ask for salvation (Selamatan / Selametan). In this case can be related also with traditional ceremonies such as Traditions Kenduri - Selamatan.
    Read also in exploring the post reference: Traditional Kenduri opens in new window.
  3. Javanese day are used for people's names.
    In the past, Pasaran Day of Java often used to name someone in Java, because they make it easier to remember an important day of one's birth. For example: Day of Pon is often used for someone female, whereas "day of Wage" and "day of Legi" used to name the men or remember a person's birth.
  4. Javanese Day is a form of respect for the deceased.
    On the other hand "Javanese Day" is related to work that isn't done which is called "Géblak Day".
    Géblak Day is an important day that related with someone who has deceased within the scope of a family, or one form of respect for the deceased based on Javanese days. They don't do in the matter of planting, traveling far and make buildings. All about "Géblak Day" depending on the values set. Usually they follow Javanese days on the deceased. Determination of Geblak day, for example: Tuesday Kliwon - Geblak Day (father / parent). This is usually done by men or women (husband, wife) in the family (Staying one house or not), but not fully followed by a child (On behalf of his grandfather). Explore more: Illustration - Penanggalan Jowo Lawas method.
  5. Javanese day is used for "Parondan" (society security activities at night).
    In some cases of society activities; National days aren't used for society activities. So that Java Day is more widely used as a schedule of society activities, for example: Parondan / Ronda activities (society security activities at night).
    For example: If a national day is used for this activity (Parondan), it's makes them easily saturated. Because they don't have different days. And when they use Java Day, they will follow the Java Day cycle according to the above review. Explore more: Systems, and measurement overlap.
  6. Javanese day related to wedding day.
    Many Javanese people still use Javanese Day as the best day choice for a wedding ceremony. Standards or points for example: the good side / good day, suitable day; sometimes also measuring their economy.
  7. Javanese day is related to spiritual mystery.
Numbers and Day
Data Table
Numbers and days
DayIndonesia LanguageJavanese Language
Krama LanguageNgoko Language
1 daySatu hariSetunggal dinten.Sedino.
2 daysDua hariKalih dinten.Rongdino.
3 daysTiga hariTigang dinten.Telung dino.
4 daysEmpat hariSekawan dinten / Kawan dinten.Patang dino.
5 daysLima hariGangsal dinten.Limang dino.
6 daysEnam hariNem dinten.Nem dino.
7 daysTujuh hariPitung dinten.Pitung dino.
8 daysDelapan hariWolung dinten = Wolu dinten.Wolung dino = Wolu dino.
9 daysSembilan hariSangang dinten.Sangang dino.
10 daysSepuluh hariSedoso dinten.Sepuluh dino.
20 daysDua puluh hariKalih doso dinten.Rongpuluh dino.
25 daysDua puluh lima hariSelangkung dinten.Selawe dino.
30 daysTiga puluh hariTigang doso dinten.Telungpuluh dino.
100 daysSeratus hariSetunggalatus dinten.Satus dino.
1.000 daysSeribu hariSetunggalewu dinten / Sewu dinten.Sewu dino.
1.500 daysSeribu lima ratus hariSetunggalewu gangsalatus dinten.Sewu limangatus dino.
2.000 daysDua ribu hariKalehewu dinten.Rongewu dino.
2.500 daysDua ribu lima ratus hariKalehewu gangsalatus dinten.Rongewu limangatus dino.
  • Tables are written based on sounds-mouth (Java people dialogue), for example:
    Dina / Dino (a / o).
    Sedasa / Sedoso (a / o).
  • In Javanese language, you can find many words / vocabulary that have one meaning. But on the other hand, Javanese language also has "Termed Language" (Bahasa yang Diistilahkan).
Day Change
In Java, changes in Javanese day occur in the afternoon or night day, such as the use of National days, dates and months, for example determining days for tomorrow, about community activities (meetings) or Parondan activities. For example:
  1. Today is Sunday. And then they say: "Malam Senen (Night-Monday)".
  2. Today is Monday. And then they say: "Malam Sloso (Night-Tuesday)".
  3. Today is Tuesday. And then they say: "Malam Rebo (Night-Wednesday)".
  1. Today is Sunday-Legi. And then they say: "Malam Senen-Pahing (Night Monday-Pahing)".
  2. Today is Monday-Pahing. And then they say: "Malam Sloso-Pon (Night Tuesday-Pon)".
  3. Today is Tuesday-Pon. And then they say: "Malam Rabo-Wage (Night Wednesday-Wage)".
Examples of detailed uses are as follows:
(Indonesia Language). Pertemuan rutin mendatang akan diadakan pada hari minggu, tanggal 15 januari 2017. Tepatnya pada malam Minggu-kliwon.
(Translate). The upcoming routine meeting will be held on sunday, january 15, 2017. Precisely on Night Sunday-Kliwon (Malam Minggu-kliwon).
The meeting that will be held is:
Malam Minggu - Night of Sunday (National Day).
Malam 15 - Night 15 (National Date).
Malam kliwon - Night of kliwon (Javanese Day).
So, for example: Now is Saturday, then this activity will be held later tonight. This also applies to Parondan activities, for example:
Your Parondan schedule is Kliwon day. Today is Wage, then your event and activity will be held later tonight (night of Kliwon).
Day of before and after
Data Table
Day of before and after
DayIndonesia LanguageJavanese Language
Krama LanguageNgoko Language
Long time ago.Dulu.Kolo semanten.Biyen / Disek.
2 days ago.2 hari yang lalu.Kaleh dinten kapengker.Rong dino wingi.
Yesterday.Kemarin.Kolo wingi.Wingi.
This day / Today.Hari ini.Dinten meniko.Dino iki.
Half-day.Setengah hari.Setugel dintenSetugel dino.
Tomorrow.Besok.Benjing / mbenjing. Benjang / mbenjang.Sesuk.
-Besok pagi. (AM)Benjing-enjing / Benjang-enjang / Enjing-Injing.Sesuk esuk.
-Besok siang. (AM)Benjing siyang.Sesuk awan.
-Besok sore. (PM)Benjing sonten.Sesuk sore.
-Besok malam. (PM)Benjing ndalu / Benjing dalu.Sesuk bengi.
2 days to come.2 hari yang akan datang.Kaleh dinten benjang.Rong dino sesuk.
Day after tomorrow.Besok lusa.Sesuk emben.

"Kapengker" is a form of writing, while "kepengker" is a form of speech.
Javanese time usage prediction
TimeIndonesia LanguageJavanese LanguageJavanese time prediction
Morning.Pagi.Enjang / Enjing.03:00 AM - 10:00 AM.
(Greetings, for example: Sugeng Enjang = Good morning = Selamat Pagi).
Afternoon.Siang.Siyang.10:00 AM - 13:00 PM.
(Greetings, for example: Sugeng Siyang = Good afternoon = Selamat Siang).
-Sore.Sonten.14:00 PM - 18:00 PM.
(Greetings, for example: Sugeng Sonten = Selamat Sore).
The sun is half sink down (dim atmosphere)Wayah SurupApprox. 18:00 PM. (Time changes adjust).
Night.Malam.Ndalu.19:00 PM - ...
(Greetings, for example: Sugeng Ndalu = Good night = Selamat Malam).

Java Month
Javanese calendar month is called the Javanese Month. Javanese Month has twelve months, such as:
Data Table
Java Month
Java MonthJava Font
4.Bakda Mulut(ꦧꦏ꧀ꦢꦩꦸꦭꦸꦢ꧀).
5.Jumadil Awal = Jumadilawal(ꦗꦸꦩꦢꦶꦭꦮꦭ꧀).
6.Jumadil Akhir = Jumadilakhir(ꦗꦸꦩꦢꦶꦭꦏꦶꦂ).
Sentences and talk
This sentence has the same meaning.
Data Table
The measurement system of overlapping of Javanese calendar
Javanese People (Talk)Translate
1 Suro Jumat-Legi.1 Suro - Friday Legi.
Siji Suro Jumat-LegiOne Suro Month - Friday Legi
Tanggal Siji Suro Jumat-Legi.Date: One Suro - Friday Legi.
Tanggal Siji Wulan Suro Jumat-Legi /
Tanggal Siji Sasi Suro Jumat-Legi.
Date: One Suro Month - Friday Legi
Summation of Java month
Data Table
Numbers in Javanese Language
"Sasi" and "Wulan" have the same meaning, the meaning is the Moon.
Month (Sasi)Month (Wulan)
MonthKrama LanguageNgoko LanguageMonthKrama LanguageNgoko Language
1 monthSetunggal sasiSesasi.1 monthSetunggal wulan.Sewulan.
2 monthsKalih sasiRong sasi.2 monthsKalih wulan.Rong wulan.
3 monthsTigang sasiTelung sasi.3 monthsTigang wulan.Telung wulan.
4 monthsSekawan sasi = Kawan sasi.Patang sasi.4 monthsSekawan wulan = Kawan wulan.Patang wulan.
5 monthsGangsal sasiLimang sasi.5 monthsGangsal wulan.Limang wulan.
6 monthsNem sasi.Nem sasi.6 monthsNem wulan.Nem wulan.
7 monthsPitung sasi.Pitung sasi.7 monthsPitung wulan.Pitung wulan.
8 monthsWolung sasi.Wolung sasi.8 monthsWolung wulan.Wolung wulan.
9 monthsSangang sasi.Sangang sasi.9 monthsSangang wulan.Sangang wulan.
10 monthsSedoso sasiSepuluh sasi.10 monthsSedoso wulan.Sepuluh wulan.
11 monthsSetunggal welas sasiSewelas sasi.11 monthsSetunggal welas wulan.Sewelas wulan.
12 monthsKalih welas sasiRolas sasi.12 monthsKalih welas wulan.Rolas wulan.
Months of before and after
Data Table
Months of before and after
MonthsIndonesia LanguageKrama LanguageNgoko Language
Two months ago.Dua bulan kemarin.Kalih wulan kapengker.Rong wulan wingi.
Last month.Bulan lalu.Wulan kapengker (Wulan Kepungkur).Wulan wingi.
This month.Bulan ini.Wulan niko / Wulan meniko.Wulan iki.
Next month.Bulan depan.Wulan ngajeng.Wulan ngarep / Wulan sesuk.
The next two months.Dua bulan ke depan.Kaleh wulan ngajeng / Kaleh wulan maleh.Rong wulan maneh / Rong wulan sesuk.
Java Year
In Java, there are cycles of 8 years, and consists of Alip, Ehé, Jimawal, Jé, Dal, Bé, Wawu and Jimakir.
Data Table
The names of the JAVA YEAR
Java yearMeans
AlipAda-ada (starting a wish / intending).
EhéTumandang (make).
JimawalGawe (do / perform).
Lelakon (process, incident, fate).
DalUrip (life).
Bola-bali (always return)
WawuMarang (to the direction).
JimakirSuwung (blank).
This is snippet of National Calendar and Javanese Calendar. Example: Seven day.
Data Table
Year: 2017
JANUARIBakda Mulud 1950Rabiul Akhir 1438 H
Jumadil Awal 1950Jumadil Ula 1438 H
2 Legi 23 Pahing 34 Pon 45 Wage 56 Kliwon 67 Legi 78 Pahing 8

  • "Red colors" is a holiday.
  • "Green colors" is Friday or the Shalat of Friday (Shalat 2 Rakaat). In Java, Friday also has the most meaning different than other days, this also happened on Night of Friday Kliwon.
  • This table showing Nasional Year [2017].
  • Nasional Month: [JANUARI].
  • Java Month: [(Bakda Mulud 1950) and (Jumadil Awal 1950)].
  • Season (Pranoto Mongso): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Front side).
  • Java Day: [Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon].
  • Java Month: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Back side).
  • Islam Month: [(Rabiul Akhir 1438 H) and (Jumadil Ula 1438 H)].
  • Islam Date: [۴ ۵ ۶ ۷ ۸ ۹ ١٠ (Arabic font)].
The Javanese people usually determine the type of Calendar talks:
Java People: [Dino Minggu Legi, tanggal 2 Januari 2017, sasi Bakda Mulud].
Translate: [Today: Sunday Legi, date: January 2, 2017. Month: Bakda Mulud].
Penanggalan Jowo Lawas
Penanggalan Jowo Lawas method is a part of the original Javanese tradition in traditional Javanese science epic calculations related to the calculation, addition, numeral of calendar, dates, days, months, years and even they can guess the determination of the season (Mongso) in the future. Each dating formula / (Penanggalan) will illustrate important of Javanese calculations.
Illustration of the calculation of the important the Java
An important illustration of Javanese calculations is an event that became a Java people tradition to be held in the coming years, for example: Event of Selamatan / selametan calculation 3 days - 1000 days. The "Penanggalan Jowo Lawas" has been combined with the National calendar, so that they can make examples of tables such as below and the year of the event.
Data Table
The traditional Mathematic
Selametan EventJava Language (the suffix --an)Calendar overlaps
...Tuesday Kliwon - March 26, 2019.
(Tuesday Kliwon - Géblak Day)
19 Rejeb 1952 Tahun Be.
3 days.Telung Dinan / Telung Dinonan.Thursday Pahing - March 28, 2019.21 Rejeb 1952 Tahun Be.
7 days.Pitung Dinan / Pitung Dinonan.Monday Legi - April 1, 2019.25 Rejeb 1952 Tahun Be.
40 days.Patang puluh Dinan / Patang puluhan.Saturday Wage - May 4, 2019.28 Ruwah 1952 Tahun Be.
100 days.Satusan.Wednesday Wage - July 3, 2019.29 Sawal 1952 Tahun Be.
1 year.Setahunan.Friday Pon - March 13, 2020.18 Rejeb 1953 Tahun Wawu.
2 year.Rong tahunanWednesday Pon - March 3, 2021.19 Rejeb 1954 Tahun Jumakir.
1000 days.Nyewunan.Sunday Wage - December 19, 2021.23 Jumadilawal 1955 Tahun Alip.
Illustration of Penanggalan by Mardiono
Example of usage activity of the Javanese Calendar calculations are in Post Reference "Singir Jawa Kuno tradition".
Read also in exploring the post reference: Singir Jawa Kuno opens in new window.
The formula of Penanggalan Jowo Lawas
Note: Not translated by author.
• Pakaryan becik.
[Keterangan Boso Jawi - Dina pitu, etungen netu ngen netu neptune dina lan pasaran, kanggo pakaryan becik. Gunggunge dina lan pasaran. Yen ganjil, gunggunge dina lan pasaran]
• Pakaryan sing olo.
[Keterangan Boso Jawi - Pakaryan sing olo, nganggo gunggunge (dina pasaran)].
Data Table
Penanggalan Jowo Lawas
The Traditional Mathematics
Bak ,,4769795588389477
,, Lakir8945957854643799
... Dino Kotong
Neptune DinoAhad5Legi5
Neptune DinoSenen4Pahing9
Neptune DinoSloso3Pon7
Neptune DinoRebo7Wage4
Neptune DinoKames8Kliwon8
Neptune DinoJemuah6
Neptune DinoSetu9
Keterangan Boso Jawi:
Dina pitu, etungen netu ngen netu neptune dina lan pasaran, kanggo pakaryan becik. Gunggunge dina lan pasaran.
Yen ganjil, gunggunge dina lan pasaran.
Keterangan Boso Jawi:
Pakaryan sing olo, nganggo gunggunge (dina pasaran).
Copies of the old books by Djardjo Dihardjo
  • The table written or showing languages or dialects based on sound-mouth practice.
  • The table creation and summing aren't known specifically.
  • This table shows the personal documents that summarize the argument or the calculation of the numbers is used alone, and aren't taught in the Java Language Education at school or special education.
  • Day of Java, there are some alphabet are removed, such as: Tuesday (Selasa = Slasa).
  • Tables (Dino or Day) = (Ahad, Senen, Sloso, Rebo, Kames/kemis, Jemuah, Setu) shows the same meaning (National Day), this is only based on the said the people of Java alone and written based on sound-mouth practice. But they are many who know from their speech, although the writing is different.
Dino Kotong is a complex calculation and structure as well as on a daily basis is important Java. Experts say "Dino Kotong" can be used to reply to criminal behavior. On the other side a said "Dino Kotong" narrow time or safe time to do something. Formulas "Dino Kotong", is a formula that can be counted numbers on the table. It is a formula for them or about the people of Java on the science of ancient Java. Whether what, the truth of "Dino Kotong"? Whether concerns the interests of culture during this time, or something about the keeping of peace and prosperous to their stay, or reject about disruption of their land.
Terms made ... Additional chapters: GAWE / PAKARYAN
The second table below shows the requirements to build or create house or employment. On any Java requirement to have a lot of intent and meaning which related.
For example: We make a house, the day in the calculation of Java is also very important and the rules that we do. This table shows only requirements but isn't mandatory. Each house describes the special aurora, so many people of Java a gave gold on the wood or buffering the roof before the roof is closed. They believe aurora home more comfortable, quiet atmosphere, cool also peace for the home occupant.
We didn't know that the house isn't only inhabited by us, but also the delicate creatures who also chose the comfortable nuances and calm atmosphere, without disrupting who owned the house. When seated and pensive as if there was someone who saw or pay attention to us in a room. It may be a picture of our minds alone, but a lot of people who think the same about such incidents.
Data Table
Menowo gawe omah, bale, lumbung, kandang, gedong, pawon, usuke di wilang!
Yen gawe lumbung - (granary)Sri
Pawon (gedong) - (kitchen (Building))Widuri
Bale - (general house)Nago
Omah - (House)Mas
Kandang - (cage)Perak
Iki etungane: • Sri • Widuri • Nago • Mas • Perak
Copies of the old books by Djardjo Dihardjo
The day that doesn't do the job Additional chapters: DINO
Trust and Java arrangement in terms of which aren't allowed.
Data Table
Pakaryan ojo nganggo dino!
Yen dinoSenenOjo ngedekeOmah (Muwung)
Yen dinoSlosoOjo ngedekeAmben (Gawe)
Yen dinoReboOjo ngedekeLawang (Leregan)
Yen dinoKemesOjo ngedekeGedongan (Kandang)
Yen dinoJemuahOjo ngedekeLumbung (Gawe)
Yen dinoSetuOjo gaweSumur (Blumbang)
Yen dinoNgatOjo ngedekePawon (Gawe)
Copies of the old books by Djardjo Dihardjo
Season Determination
The old calendar is also determine the cycle of seasons, but in today's world of Javanese calendar also has a great change and just as with the National calendar. They determine from the direction of the air motion, clouds, the thunder or rumble called season determination (Mongso) for plant species the suitable.
The Old Javanese calendar / Penanggalan Jowo Lawas is one part of Javanese Science which can only be questioned by people who are experts in the field of Javanese arts and culture - especially Javanese Science. Javanese calendar calculations are a small historical part of the formation of traditional ancient calendar the epic mathematics circulating in the society. This article doesn't include the calculation of the Islamic calendar, the Tionghoa Calendar, and the origin of the formula or use of "Penanggalan Jowo Lawas".
This table is a copy of the old books by Djardjo Dihardjo (Grandfather). In his book extensively covered the old methods, for example: Counting of Javanese calendar, an antidote to crime, repay evil, occult science, rajah, pain medications, chapter of dreams, chapter of events, and so on. All things about Ancient Javanese cannot all be shared with the public, that some Java Science should be hidden. Anyone can find out about the Science of Java, but only for those who want to really learn.
Science of Java isn't based on the progress or implementation of new technologies, but about chapters of natural sciences (Old style), natural (artless), natural events repeatedly, mystic, philosophy and a few things about the old magic methods. If we trace, some of the ancient Javanese sciences are related to the goodness of life, education on life on earth, welfare, planting systems, education, natural sciences, things that will or have happened, culture, custom and even tradition. That in this case; The ancient Javanese Science cannot be equated with a lot of books, history, beliefs of religion or beliefs of each traditions.


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Responding as a complement to travelers to relax with tranquility and leisure comfort of sleep, is incomplete if it doesn't stay at a hotel in Yogyakarta, providing 24-hours. Travelers can pamper the leisure of Yogyakarta resort hotels. Friendly service and luxurious room service with typical Yogyakarta hotel class. Tourists can specify hotel prices, strategic place, epic buildings, stars, hotel logos, best locations, beauty of the park and more.

Rural Creative - Traditional Nuance

"Rural Creative" is one of the earliest developments and expansion of activities derived from the "Tourism Village" (mirror of activity). They are together building their tourism with a kinship system, and one of tangible manifestations of Community-Based of Rural Tourism Development Activities or Community-Based Tourism.

Information & Public Services

Public information service aims to make it easier to find important information about Yogyakarta. If travelers need public interest during the tour, read more the Basic Information of Tourism in the "Online Aspiration - Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta". Hopefully useful for your public service.
