
Engkling Traditional Games Version: A | Epic Travelers

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Engkling Traditional Games Version: A

The extent to which friends know epic traditional games Yogyakarta? Would like to learn much and how attractive the traditional games in Yogyakarta? In this games, I would invite to play Engkling. Let's ... play Engkling.
Epic travelers - Engkling Traditional Games Version A
Image Reference: Traditional Games Field
What is Engkling Game?
Engkling Game, is game enough to rely on one foot as a force in the game or one foot as a buffer body. In this Enkling game there are two kinds of patterns. First is Engkling Games (Version: A) which is widely played by school children and the second is Engkling Games (Version: B).
To do Engkling Game Version B, you have to learn first of Engkling Games Version A. This page, I will review Games Engkling for version: (A). Please see (Figure A).
Engkling Games, media or game chips used a flat chip and often use media tools such as tile, ceramic, stone, and other media tools can be round or square-shaped thin. This all depends on the players who will use it. With the aim that when thrown can get into the box provided. But I suggest you using media tools / square chip, so when throwing the media tool / chip doesn't rotate like the wheels. Ha ... ha ... Awesome.
Before reading how to play and rules used in the next Engkling game. Please look at the picture first or (Figure: A). This will allow you to be able to play Engkling and understand articles or groove course of the Engkling Game.
Engkling Game is a traditional game, a traditional game a very nice because a lot of tricks in the game. This game has no time limit. This is so that the players to concentrate more and physically adequate.
It said fixed path (ON) or in the Engkling Game. If the current throws, a stone throw falls into the box, and said no road or OFF:
Rules of the game Engkling
  1. Chip came out the field box.
  2. The chips are thrown into a box instead target the next digit.
  3. The chips were thrown stops exactly at the line of the game field.
  4. At the time of taking the chip, part of the body touching the line of the game.
  5. At the time of taking the chip or walk, the player dropped the chip.
  1. Number 1 is a media container or chip. When the start, chips have been placed at number 1. This container is used by all players Engkling.
  2. Number: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ⑫, ⑬, ⑭, ⑮ is stepping box or stepped box.
How to play ?
This is an example of Engkling Game with one on one player.
  1. Chip players must be in box number 1 (one). Engkling players rotate to the number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ⑫, ⑬, ⑭ and ⑮. When in the number of ⑮, players stop and take a chip that was in the box number 1 (number one or container) then back to the START line.
  2. Once we get the chip, the chip should we throw into the box number 2. Engkling players rotate to the number 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ⑫, ⑬ and ⑭. When in the number of ⑭, players stop and take a chip that was in the box number of ⑮ then back to the START line. A box containing a chip, isn't allowed to touch the soles of the foot, so we had to jump out of the box. But there's some kind of this game, players use a (stepped system). Then the chip should also be taken before the box containing the chip. (This rule must also be determined before the players play).
  3. In the box number 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. At the time of taking the chip, the player must be in the number 11.
  4. When the chip is at number 11, the player must take the chip Engkling at number 10.
  5. During Engkling players don't break the rules in this game. We can finish or level numbers that have been provided. It became a challenge by the players Engkling that must be taken. With the requirements, the player must complete to Engkling number ⑮ and returned to the START line. If a player violates the rules (Player isn't working or OFF), then the player must be replaced by an opposing player. Opposing players must also do the same as that of the beginning or the first player.
  6. If the player Engkling OFF when doing a game, then the chip must be put back into the box or that level. For example: We play took the chip number 8, and (I stepped up and rotate) has done numbers ⑭ engkling up and break the rules. This chip it should be returned to the number 8. Although my stay was one step Engkling completed.
In this Engkling Game usually players vying to quickly increase the level of victory in the game Engkling. In achieving victory in game Engkling. This is also don't easy to do because through increasingly challenging stages.
If we have completed phase number ⑮ and returned to the START line without a violation. We've passed the level or get a good score.

Way to victory in Engkleng Games
Next we move to the stage to collect the value of the victory in the "Kicking Chip System". What this "Kicking Chip System"? Kicking Chip System is during play the player must collect points and Kicking the chip to get back to the START line. To save energy and time should be done immediately quickly. If a player has difficulty in "Collecting Value" and "Kicking Chip". Players can rest in the box, but this isn't a good solution in Engkling Game. If the player is at rest in the play area, the other foot should not be lowered. So while playing in the box Engkling, keep one foot as a buffer body. It's really not easy to do the children, but they are many who got past that stage. Simple tips to pass the stage "Kicking Chip" is patience and of prudence.
Rules in ("Collecting Value" and Kicking Chip System)
In traditional Engkling Game, have different rules in each stage. Please read carefully the rules of the game Engkling below:
  1. Chip Engkling allowed to touch the ground line.
  2. Engkling players throwing chips into the number 2, then we Engkling and kick the chip to the number or level 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ⑫, ⑬, ⑭, ⑮ and we kicked back to the START line. During play only one foot as a buffer of body to finish the numbers.
  3. When a player "Collecting Value" and "Kicking Chip" at number 5 and 6. Chip allowed past the box number 11. But the chips aren't allowed to stop at number 11 or outside the field lines. During the chip can go to the box number 6 then do as usual. If we "Kicking Chip" or number 5 and the chip went straight to number 7 and passes through the center line or turn past the number 8, is also not allowed.
  4. At the time of the kicking chip, the kicker must kick the chip into the box that has been provided or in numbers.
  5. If the player fails to do this level, we must give the opponent a chance to complete the level and wait for the opponent player OFF. By the time we go way back, we have to start from step 2 or Rules in ("collecting value" and "Kicking Chip") and must be managed. If is doesn't successful, and then opponent have a great opportunity to chase your.
Create a new rule in this step:
We are also allowed to do this, for example: Chip in the box number 2, then I kick the chip into the box 4 or 5. In this case the Player can create a new rule for "Double Kicking Chip System" so you have to shift (change) rule no.3 above. You can also specify certain areas that aren't allowed to "Double Kicking Chip System".
If we are past the stage "Kicking Chip", this is your victory to earn 2 scores. Count this victory, is one that is used by children with ease.
Traditional game developers
Counts in the Engkling Game, also can be used in a method or another way, (for adults) for example:
  1. One score equal to the value of 100 point. If you have two sekor equal to the of 200 values.
  2. Further reduction in the value of the player violations. This decrease can be modified in accordance with the criteria violations. (see back rules of the Engkling Game). Well, in this offense you can set yourself reduction value.
This Engkling game can be played in groups of 2 or 3 people maximum. But most kids, they are more than that amount. If more than three people, then this game is difficult to give an opportunity to the opponent to play. Because the players who are still active or ON, usually can be role (successor) for these games so that the group is still running.
Anticipate about it, then the number of players Engkling only slightly. Players are active or ON usually finish the game task was to help taking chip of Group. If (group) stay one person as successor violate rules Engkling Game, then the game in this Engkling must be replaced by an opponent.
If we play in the formation of a team or group. Suppose you create a team of three people, then three people walking together do Engkling Game. So in this game, don't have to wait for one player finished working on Englking Games.
The task of opposing players are seeing movement Engkling player at the time, to see the violation while playing Engkling.
What happens if the player group wasn't able to walk or OFF ?
For example:
This game has a group of 3 people, and only one can be ON or player doesn't breaking the rules. This let's say as (support roles or team success). Then this as supporting actor Engkling. How do I play in this Engkling ? Supporter roles or Team Success, is a successful player in the group or its members without a violation.
Successful teams also have rules or methods used at the time of taking the chip. Use one of the rules or the way that has been agreed upon by the players Engkling. For example:
  1. Successful team players can take the chip at once in one rotate, or
  2. Successful teams are only allowed to take one chip. So successful team must rotate 2 times.
After successful teams in the group managed to take the chip. Then the player who doesn't walk or OFF greatly helped by the successful team to play together again. It is the player OFF cured by a successful team or player ON, because of their chips, already out of the box Engkling field. Engkling Game in the group is replaced by an opponent, if the three players already violated.
Combination Engkling Game
The combination Engkling Game may be used or doesn't at all by the player. It depends on the method and agreements in a game that used by the children.
This traditional game can be done in various ways or different game. This is their tricks so that the game remains interesting done by the children. Trick or another way this game (Figure: A), for example:
  1. When playing at number 11, the player must (stepped) on two legs, or
  2. By the time playing games number: 7, 9, 11, the player must (stepped) on two legs.
These numbers are as a means to break them while playing. This is one of their tricks in order to play Engkling isn't experience fatigue. This is done unless the game hasn't been entered into "collects value" or "kicking Chip".
OK guys, this is a Engkling Traditional Games Version: A, I hope you give it a try for something different in your life. I want, the game Engkling become your hobby into play with your close neighbors, school friends or your playmate. Please come back to see the next article with unique story or something from me.
Greetings to Engkling Games.


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