
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta

Epic travelers - Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta
Image Reference: Bantul beach resort
Parangtritis Beach located in Parangtritis, Bantul of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Beach which is one of the vast coastline in Bantul of Yogyakarta Special Region. The distance from the city of Yogyakarta to Parangtritis approximately one hour. Precisely in the south of the city of Yogyakarta. Parangtritis is a popular destination for leisure or recreation, and is one of the most visited beaches for tourists in Yogyakarta.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia opens in new window.
This beach is also known for its Pantai Selatan or South Sea by the Javanese people. Many young people who call or abbreviate the name of this beach named of Paris Beach. It may be a word or words that are easily remembered by their trends (young people) which more modest.
Parangtritis Beach, very famous for its black sand is very soft and smooth. This may be different with the sand beaches like in Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta. Very soft black sand is very good for the treatment of your footsteps when exploring this beach. This beach has a limit (Depok beach) on the west and limestone mountains jutting sea on the east side.
Parangtritis also often used as a venue for traditional ceremonies for the people of Yogyakarta, for example, the ceremony for "Melarung sesaji". "Melarung sesaji" are usually a manifestation of gratitude to God Almighty for the bountiful harvest sea. It is also often used for religious ceremonies.
If you want to explore the beaches, we are also able to rent a vehicle Dokar at low prices. Dokar is the traditional vehicle drawn by a horse. This vehicle can only be found the only one in Parangtritis beach.
Explore special places, you can stop by at epic Joglo Java on the north coast of this. It becomes your impression with beloved friends or family with a very beautiful garden atmosphere. In this place you can sit relax with a cool breeze.
In this place we can spend some time at the Parangtritis beach to see the sunset in the afternoon. Really perfect, your holiday in Parangtritis beach of Yogyakarta.
Next, to enjoy a long beautiful journey, add the beauty of the beaches of Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Indrayanti Beach opens in new window.


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