
Sundak Beach Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Sundak Beach Yogyakarta

Sundak Beach Yogyakarta is one of the most beautiful beaches and the most visited by tourists. This beach is located in Gunungkidul - Yogyakarta is not far from the coast Krakal and Sadranan beach. This place is also very broad and wide, as only a few limited cliffs east and west, but still can be traversed by tourists. When the low tide we can go to the beach Sadranan.
Epic travelers - Permalink to Sundak Beach Yogyakarta
Image Reference: Sundak Beach Tourism
First we came to this beach, lounging on a beautiful sand beach Sundak so comfortable, while looking at the sea view is very beautiful and amazing. Many of those who came would prefer to find something on the shoreline. Their eyes are more drawn to the bottom of the water and look for marine animals that are still left among the rocks.
With clear water and clear as glass, marine animals will be visible from the surface of the rocks. In addition to marine animals, I am more interested in the type of algae or lush green plants in crystal clear water.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Destination of Yogyakarta Indonesia opens in new window.
I am trying to browse the rocks. The animals are difficult to be caught because more nimble than my hand to take it. But this being a fun game when at the beach. So that more tourists to linger at this place. In addition I find animals more sea urchins. The sea urchin was found more often among the beach rocks.
If we browse to the east you can see a long stretch of yellow sand. Of some tourists also prefer this place for bathing and swimming, because there is a pool of the deep water and comfortable for swimming.
If we are in western part of coast, we can take pictures along the edge of the cliff. Many travelers are taking to their keepsake. The cliffs also can be a shady place while waiting for friends or family who stroll the beach.
I am always in groups or create a group then split between the other friends at the beach, to just look for something that we consider to attract attention in my mind. I and they more often do this to look for something, or a different trip. All that for the small note that will have benefit of each, so that it becomes unforgettable memories at the beach.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Krakal Beach Yogyakarta opens in new window.
Because Sundak beach is the place easily recognizable or keep in mind. It's OK ... we can easily find other friends gathered back in due course. Make sure that taking a vacation exciting and amazing place of your choice here. Congratulations underwent a holidays, I believe your holiday very enjoyable for you all.


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