
Turgo Hill | Epic Travelers

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Turgo Hill

The southern side of the slopes of Mount Merapi, there are epic nuances of Turgo Hill, soft breeze with birdsong which will take travelers to the nuances of peace and tranquility. Turgo Hill located in Turgo, Purwobinangun Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta.
Epic travelers - Turgo Hill
Image Reference: Exotic atmosphere - Hidden miracle
Turgo hill forest is one of the park or national forest rehabilitation in post-fire in 2002 which was held on 26 January 2003 by the forestry minister Muhammad Prakosa. And a few years later the construction of "navigation system" early warning lava flow in Boyong River by the Ambassador of New Zealand - Phillip Gibson, Regent of Sleman - Ibnu Subiyanto and Head PSIT - (UGM) University of Gajah Mada - Nur Yuwono, on Wednesday, 27 August, 2008.
Turgo hill is also known as the of pilgrimage hill. If going up to Bukit Turgo, the tourist to one destination is the tomb of "Sheikh Djumadil Qubro". In that place travelers will also know the pedigree associated with "Sheikh Djumadil Qubro".
During the trip travelers also found some caves in these hill. First mid during the trip and the second at the top of this hill. If in see of this cave, these caverns are artificial caves or cave that doesn't occur naturally, it looked the same as in the Japan Cave or east side of the river of Boyong. Now this cave is a shelter when it rains. According to local residents, this place is for staying and staying overnight. This is seen from the floor of the cave that looks well like place often used by visitors or guests adventurer.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Gua Jepang (Japan Cave of Yogyakarta) opens in new window.
Turgo Hill is a potential area as amphibian animal sanctuary. Here as well as amphibians Hotspot place. Hotspot amphibians purpose is as a means of conservation of amphibians and their habitats, well as can be used for research. Flora and fauna can be found here, such as: pine forest, bamboo garden, species of ferns, various types of wild birds, etc. This place isn't much different from the feel of Kaliurang natural forest, or the east side of this hill.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Nature Tourism of Kaliurang opens in new window.
Epictravelers - Amphibian animal sanctuary
Image Reference: Amphibian animal sortuary.
This place is also a tourist village area. If travelers want travel packages linked village houses pages epic, travelers can choose some packages that are provided by local residents, among others: The natural roaming tour package, tour environmental education, and tourist village on the slopes of Merapi.
Environmental educational travel programs to help recognize and learn directly at an object, especially about the flora and fauna. Travelers can find various types of crops, vegetables, fruits, medicine / jamu, grass, wood, ornamental plants (orchids), bamboo, and various species of fauna.
Activities in the community, travelers can follow: Browse nature (Trekking), making traditional tea drinks, observation of flora and fauna, Gardening, Farming, Live In (live with residents to follow their activities), Camping, Outbound and others.
Homestay is available for tourists who want to stay with a capacity of 100 people. Rural atmosphere, traditional arts, and traditional tea. Travelers can adventure about the environment of the community.
Greetings to explore of Turgo hill.


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