Hii ... friends, let's see the Short Tour of Live in Traditional Education. It is one of a short tour of four reviews about The Live in Traditional Education, I noted in the book of activity. The purpose of me is to complete The Live in Traditional Education - Guides.
Very far from the experience of existing, normal activity schedule. But on the other hand, this activity is more interesting to do and challenges to complete journal about "Live in Traditional Education".

Image Reference: Rural Creative Insight
EDUWISATA (Education Tour)
A few days ago, Live in Traditional Education divided into two groups of travel. They are 148 the number of students with the arrival of four buses. They or the students are divided into four different rural areas.
Live in Traditional Education, I will review in a rural area, which is building the value of friendship "Kenali Desamu, Cintai Desamu!", the short tour in Live in Traditional Education - Guides. This is the world our friendship and best friends in rural areas. That story and a variety of activities in rural areas who never finished to be discussed.
What are the activities in rural areas?
Many wonderful things about the different activities, trip, activities that have cultural value, new best friends and a happy smile in Countryside Areas. Absolutely not exhausted we found in "Rural Creative" Traditional Education of Yogyakarta. Rural Creative make life more meaningful and the most wonderful thing to do.
Welcome to the Rural Creative of Yogyakarta.
The real activity of Countryside Areas.
Short Tour of Day 1
First arrival, the students directly to the places in the list of rural areas that have been determined. The first stop is the village head's office Hargobinangun Pakem Sleman, Yogyakarta, Welcome to Hargobinangun. The office is located on the Jl. Kaliurang Km 20, then to the location of the homestay. Students will live together in the countryside with their new family, about 11 Km from Mt. Merapi in Yogyakarta. Yea .. students will enjoy the natural beauty of the green slopes of Merapi and civilization of green fields in a rural area of Yogyakarta. Welcome and met with friends adventure in the countryside!
Note: Students who come in early in the countryside or about 06.00 (AM), they get half a free day. This free day, is taking some time off during the journey to Yogyakarta. Students can rest and sleep soundly in their home in Yogyakarta. But on the other hand they are more exploration around the neighborhood and mostly follow a schedule.
Arrival at around 11.00 (AM), then greeted by residents around the park. There is no doubt that students can adapt easily with its village atmosphere. At the moment in the park, the list of notified names with their new family in Yogyakarta. Conversing sustained between them is to build kinship between them.

Image Reference: Their arrival in the countryside
On arrival at their new family home, the students do chores such as cooking, eating lunch together. Other activities are: the introduction of a new family member, to recognize the environment around the house and the rural environment.
13:00 (PM) Students perform a variety of family activities, such as: fields, gardens, maintenance of livestock and much more. In the survey results yesterday some clever students to cultivate the land, collect grass, crops, vegetables, poultry, cattle and so on.
17:00 (PM) followed by the Holy Mass in the Chapel of St. Ignatius to perform prayer together.
Short Tour of Day 2
In the morning, many students who have to wake up early to do activities together with their families in the countryside. Soon students do activities Mutual cooperation together to clean the neighborhood residents. Mutual cooperation activities ended at 07.30 (AM) and move on to the next activity.

Image Reference: Education Tourism - Ullen Sentalu Museum
08.00 (AM) visit to Eduwisata (Education tourism). Participants are picked up by the truck to get to Ullen Sentalu and Merapi Museum. The trucks are the means of transport in the countryside in search of new experiences in the activities of Live in traditional. Of them or the student, behind it all made their happy way. May it be the most unique activities and become a means of story, when they come home.
Ullen Sentalu Museum is a tourist spot to get to know the past of Javanese culture, history, figures of the King, nobility, the story of a Javanese Princess, especially from Yogyakarta and Solo. Visits Ullen Sentalu Museum finished about 2 hours, then continues to the Museum Merapi their knowledge about of Volcanology. In this place, the first activity in content with video playback Mt. Merapi, and the end of the video presentation followed by a survey around Merapi Museum. Students must complete an assignment sheet in this short tour. Students can be a lot of knowledge of tourist guides, because of to difficult questions can be asked directly to the tour guide, so that school work can be completed easily.
At 12.10 (PM) and the students returned to the house each. 14.30 (PM) is "Creations Janur" or the "The art of stringing young coconut leaves". This activity has also been taught by the participants of the Live in school students.
This is an example of the use of coconut leaves, students can make-rhombus, vane, the keris of Javanese, walang kekek / grasshopper, flowers and other creations that can be obtained in Rural Creative.

Image Reference: Creations Janur
(The art of stringing young coconut leaves)
"The art of stringing young coconut leaves" is one of a touch on the program Live in traditional education, so that the touch of the hands of students can be creative as much as possible. Another meaning of "The art of stringing young coconut leaves" is an syimbol bond with a work, so it becomes a souvenir. Although based on a single leaf or leaves of young coconut, if studied further, coconut leaves have many traditional games that can be used for children's games. Eduksi team tried to keep this activity or "The art of stringing young coconut leaves" remain stable or grow properly, can also be used as a means of creations and education.
In Java, "Creations Janur" has different meanings depending on the form created in the traditional games of Java, Java ceremonies or other activities. If fully studied, "Creations Janur" have meaning about 20 kinds of meaning, while Kreasi and Janur is a term the Java language in a series of things that are made from materials "Janur" or young coconut leaves.
End of activity, a lot of students do sports, playing with children and youths in the neighborhood he lives, bath and dinner preparation.
19.00 (PM) is a reflection of the night. Night reflection is an interesting event or activity to match the student activities with the activities with his family (Moms and dads of students in rural areas). At night, these reflections as funny activities from their experience that they rarely do at home before. Drama, poetry or pusisi, customs, all the activities and new performances will be at the reviews on reflection this evening, also be interesting performances which they pass on to other peers.
End of the event closed with Art Karawitan or Gamelan art by locals, for the initial introduction to Program "Mari Menggamel" for tomorrow.
Short Tour of Day 3
In the morning, the students perform usual activities. Results of a survey by the monitoring team, students are already doing fun activities and some students wash their personal clothing. Wash soiled clothing is mandatory for students, so that their clothes were not dirty when they get home. For three hours the students do the activities and places of interest with the family.
09.00 (AM) Students Live in conduct Program "Visit on Business". In this activity students learn how to create a decorative cage in the countryside. We collected a lot of activity in the world "Visit on Business" in the countryside, among others: the manufacture of tempeh, milk processing, making salted eggs, craft broom, harvesting chrysanthemums, traditional herbal Java, culinary, snack production, introduction of business chicken egg and much more.
Due to the narrow work space, students were divided into two groups for students to absorb knowledge and practice with ease. While waiting for other colleagues, students can feed the fish in addition to the craft industry, or looking for a beautiful ornamental flowers documentation through their camera around the business environment.

Image Reference: Industry practice activities - Visit on Business
This places students can learn how to utilize the popularity of bamboo materials to make the spokes of the cage, the drilling process, assembling and so on. All activities are directly practiced by the students to try to make the enclosure. Small businesses or micro-businesses from "Simox Craft " has already reached the town of Magelang and Klaten - Central Java. In addition to practice on, students are also trying to assemble from these materials, so that their creation is ready for use or sale. This places students can learn simple material processing in the surrounding environment that can be used as a material that has economic value.
During breaks or after the lunch hour, there are some students for taking the cows bathe in the river. This activity by Education Team becomes a plus or value added to students. Because of their free time or student used for positive activities with their families in the countryside.
Cow bathing activities, is the curiosity of students. The monitoring team recommend well in order to use the time off to perform the task of the teacher notes, or use that time to rest or relax.
Not a long time, students herding the cows to the river in the surrounding countryside. Education team has lost track, but the team knows these activities are usually working on rural residents. Seeing students' activities in the river and cool ambience complements them, collect their photos are also important undertaken by the monitoring team and a good report when their time in the countryside.
About 30 minutes, the students return home by walking around the countryside, because of the river and the house isn't far away. During the trip, the students really look cool conversation, about the schedule of activities that will be are received later.

Image Reference: Gamelan Art - Mari Menggamel Program
This Gamelan is aged approximately one of half a century. The maintenance cost is very high so weak in funding this gamelan. The new Gamelan is the big dream of a rural area, but a new spirit becoming the destination so that the gamelan is still used for the public.
14.30 (PM) activity filled with the "Mari Menggamel" or traditional music training, as a means or vehicle for education in the arts and culture of Java. Students can perform this art with notes that had been prepared art teacher. In the activity "Mari Menggamel" almost all students can easily absorb Javanese music education has been taught. So the question is: " Whether students can become conservers of art? " I was amazed by them that they liked "Mari Menggamel - Karawitan arts" very well.
18.00 (PM) was the last night in the countryside. Went to the park around the chapel to do dinner together, performing arts, share and exchange experiences.
Short Tour of Day 4
The fourth day was the preparation day return to West Java. Students keep doing the usual morning activities with their family environment. 07.00 (AM) students gathered in the field to check the number of students. In the fourth day is filled with some of the dialogue and ending handshake with their families in Yogyakarta.

Image Reference: Closure Live in Traditional Education Yogyakarta
Team Traditional Edication - Rural Area
7:30 (AM) Students and the monitoring team back at the meeting point to meet their counterparts in some rural areas. Closure Live in Traditional Education Yogyakarta ended 08:30 (AM), which ends shaking hands. Students and Teacher departed with four units of buses to get to Yogyakarta City Tour.
Thus the program Live in Traditional Education the epic travel from SMP Santa Laurensia is the best travel activity for you. School and Address: Junior high school Santa Laurensia, Jl. Sutera Utama 1 District of Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15326. Number of students: 36 students and 3 teachers. Students Live in staying in the family home totaled 14 KK (Head of Family).
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