
Malioboro Yogyakarta | Epic Travelers

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Malioboro Yogyakarta

The road name (Jalan) is one place or a craft market in the city of Yogyakarta - Indonesia. This place is one of the places of interest to local tourists and travelers in the World. Many people who say: If they don't come in this place; they don't go to Yogyakarta. And then, What an interesting and cool from this place?
Epic travelers - Malioboro Yogyakarta
Image Reference: Best places to visit
Name of place
Name of Malioboro is a favorite tourist spot in Jogjakarta, and also the name of the street is so phenomenal in this city. The name comes from the name of a British explorer who once occupied Yogyakarta in 1811 - 1816 named "Marlborough" in the 19th century as a center of government and economic activity. On the other hand say that the origin of the place name is from Sanskrit as "Malyabhara" meaning is a bouquet of flowers. Then, according to the researchers say that the place name is a name that still has a silent witness. But society opinion, the place name isn't the original name of the local language. That is now, this place is a shopping area that became one of the legendary pride of the city of Yogyakarta. In addition it is home to students of tourists.
Many local tourists who want to know more about this place. When asked what is interesting about this street?, many of which to think that place has a special significance. Besides shopping, those who lived briefly in Yogyakarta, they want to come just to sit or gathering place. This is the response from most people. Then there are of those who think and choose, this place is a fun place, especially the environment atmosphere. The other hand replied, this place is a city of Akihabara in Yogyakarta. Because this place is similar to one of the places that are overseas or famous Akihabara in Japan. Of the various similarities show that this place: close to staksiun, many malls, retail, electronics, knickknacks souvenirs, hotel and culinary variety that you can taste in their respective places. So the views they have meaning and purpose are different.
Strategic place
This place is a strategic place and become a tourist destination. Because this place is located in the city center and also become one of the central business area. Tugu station in northern increasingly easier for local and foreign tourists to visit the city of Yogyakarta. The other hand, this place also close to tourist attractions, such as: Vredeburg Museum, Kraton Palace, Sonobudoyo Museum, Oval Building - Smart Park, Museum of Jogja Kembali, Klitikan Market, GembiraLoka Zoo, and many interesting sights of the others nearby.
Shopping paradise
This place is one of a shopping paradise, this place we can find a wide variety of merchandise, ranging from Batik Yogyakarta - Indonesia, antiques, accessories and others. Sales price can be offered as cheaply as possible, with the condition dare to bid around 30% of the sale price. On the other hand, the fabric market; what has become of your choice, you certainly don't reject the price they offer. Batik is a fabric that is easy to lure people, in terms of models, styles, colors and style of any fabric. Course you love with Batik fabric that has meaning in every person who wears at every occasion.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Batik Yogyakarta - Indonesia opens in new window.
Culinary Tourism
Food stalls replace souvenir stands on street and serve the Yogyakarta specific menu, "Gudeg food" rice with young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk. Enjoy the food in "lesehan" (seat on the woven mats) foodstall along the pavement and enjoy the Yogyakarta specific menu "gudeg food" rice with young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk.
Read also in exploring the post reference: Hunting Gudeg Jogja opens in new window.
The old and modern style
At first glance, this city is a modern style. But most people say; this place is a place that contains the value of its own in terms of traditional local culture, and indigenous communities.
This place you can go to special places nearest to ride traditional vehicles the Andong. Andong and Malyabhara are attractions that can never be separated from the tourist magnet that interesting in Yogyakarta.
Explorer the epic hotel favorites
Leisure lifestyle hotel and best place (save places). Its location is very close to tourist center, discover and experience city atmosphere. The location of the hotel is quite strategic, Vacation and travel close to the monument Tugu Jogja, close to the road, female and male travelers, the pool for children is also appropriate. List of world's best booking hotels near street; Watch new Hotel, epic star hotel, rating values and places to visit:
Grand Inna, Hotel Mutiara, Ibis Hotel, Horison Ultima Riss Hotel, Hotel Dafam Fortuna, Hotel Neo, Whiz Hotel, Jambuluwuk, Hotel Neo. Booking a save up to 76% OFF hotels, booking online for instant Confirmation and 24 / 7 Live Support! Voices-wonder the travel guide. A rental car and close to Tourist Places in Yogyakarta.


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