
Kulonprogo Regency | Epic Travelers

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Kulonprogo Regency

Kulon Progo Regency - Epictravelers
The Basic Information of Tourism
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Kulon Progo Regency is one of the regencies located in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This regency has an area of approximately 586.27 km², administratively divided into 12 districts. Kulonprogo is famous for its natural beauty, including mountains, beaches, and rivers. Some of the famous tourist attractions in this area include Glagah Beach, Sermo Reservoir, tea plantations and Menoreh hills. In addition, Kulonprogo is also rich in history and culture.
The city representatives: Wates City.
Nickname the City: The Jewel of Java, Kota West Prog.
Visit and explore the territory: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Explore links: Opens in a new window.
The Uniqueness of Kulon Progo
The Travel Book
Kulonprogo has several interesting uniqueness, including:
  • Glagah Beach: A beach with beautiful black sand, surrounded by hills and coconut trees, and known for its big waves.
  • Sermo Reservoir: A beautiful reservoir, surrounded by hills, often used for fishing and boating activities, and an ideal place to enjoy the scenery.
  • Menoreh Hills: Known for its stunning natural panorama, offering trekking trails, and an ideal place to enjoy the sunrise and sunset.
  • Local Wisdom: Kulonprogo has rich local traditions and culture, including unique dance, music, and handicrafts.
  • Typical Cuisine: The community processes various delicious traditional foods, such as gudeg, oseng-oseng mercon, and various seafood from the beach.
  • Ecotourism: Many locations offer sustainable tourism experiences, such as farmstays and nature conservation involving the local community.
  • Tourism Potential Development: The local government is actively developing tourism potential, including nature, culture, and history.
These uniquenesses make Kulonprogo an attractive destination for both local and foreign tourists.
Kulonprogo Regency has a diverse topography, including mountains, hills, and lowlands. This regency has a diversity of flora and fauna, especially in mountainous and forest areas. This regency has the following boundaries:
  1. North: Borders Sleman Regency.
  2. East: Borders Bantul Regency.
  3. South: Borders the Indian Ocean.
  4. West: Borders Purworejo Regency (Central Java).
This regency has a strategic position because it is located on the main route connecting Yogyakarta with several other areas.
Kulonprogo culture is heavily influenced by local traditions, which are reflected in various festivals and art events, as well as distinctive handicrafts. The regency is also a good place to enjoy Yogyakarta's culinary specialties, with a variety of mouth-watering traditional dishes.
Kulonprogo Regency's economy is dominated by the agriculture, fisheries, and tourism sectors. The local government is also trying to develop infrastructure and investment in the industrial sector to improve people's welfare.
Tourist Attractions
Here are some interesting tourist attractions in Kulonprogo Regency:
  • Glagah Beach: A beach with black sand and cool sea breeze, ideal for relaxing and taking photos.
  • Progo River: A popular place for rafting, offering challenging currents and stunning natural scenery.
  • Kalibiru: A tourist park that provides spectacular views from a height, complete with interesting photo spots.
  • Puncak Suroloyo: The best place to enjoy the sunrise and mountain panoramas.
  • Grojogan Sewu Waterfall: A beautiful and natural waterfall, perfect for trekking and relaxing in nature.
  • Three-Color Bridge: An iconic bridge that is often a location for interesting photos with a backdrop of agricultural land views.
Kulonprogo has a variety of attractions that make tourists want to visit!
Visit and explore about: Destination of YogyakartaExplore links: Opens in a new window.
Why choose Kulonprogo Regency tourism?
Tags: Questions
Kulonprogo Regency leaves a deep impression on many people because of its combination of natural beauty, rich culture, and friendly people. Here are some impressions:
  • Nature Tourism: Visit Glagah Beach, with beautiful sea views, and activities such as cycling and walking along the beach.
  • Culinary Adventure: Enjoy local food, such as Kulonprogo fried rice, satay and other delicious culinary specialties.
  • Progo River: Rafting activities on this river provide a sensation of adventure and extraordinary natural beauty.
  • Tourist Village: Visit traditional villages to see the lives of local people and culture, and participate in handicraft activities.
Each of these experiences offers uniqueness and beauty that are worth remembering!
Convey and add your impressions about this territory.
Regency Area
Tourism Information Service
Kulonprogo Regency
Agency: Department of Culture and Tourism of Kulon Progo Regency.
Address: Jl. Sugiman, Margosari, Pengasih, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55652.
Phone: (0274) 773095.
Visit and explore about: Information and Public Services of Yogyakarta
Explore links: Opens in a new window.
Visit by region
Primary tags of tourism
Territory: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Add to the captivating experience by visiting and exploring the primary tags of tourism:
  • Kota Yogyakarta.
  • Bantul Regency.
  • Kulon Progo Regency.
  • Gunung Kidul Regency.
  • Sleman Regency.
Discover unique things in the regency territory in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Complete the experience of tourist destinations, and enchanting holiday memories and unforgettable memorable things.
City Tour
Visiting and exploring the primary tags of tourism:
Kota Yogyakarta is rich culture, history, and comfortable atmosphere.


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Information & Public Services

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